No, I didn't. To each their own.
I was stopped twice this week by two different people, that work in the same building as me, and they commented on how much weight I lost and told me how fit I was looking. That was pretty awesome.
Diet Doctor is an awesome website full of expert advice.
Agree! Spend 10 minutes on that site though and you'll quickly see that no one is pushing anything. When I started my keto journey I ended up on that site early, did a ton of research there, and have been able to quickly figure out if something I'm reading is good advice or bad, or bro-science which is the worst.
OP might want to go elsewhere like diet doctor to get the facts and not the bro-science that is offered across the web. There is great information and knowledgeable people on this site and others, but getting a solid foundation from doctors and experts is always the best.
I have a friend that lost a lot of weight like you have. The conversations I had with him were identical to what you're saying. He was very lost. He didn't have an identity, or self image, and lost all confidence - confidence he used to have. His wife suggested changing his wardrobe too, which he did. That helped him out a…
Lazy Cabbage Rolls = This is an awesome recipe that is easy to make and easy to build up with different spices, meats. I also love Spaghetti Squash Pizza Boats. They are very quick and easy. InstaPot and my spiralizer have helped me along big time.