veganfaceholex Member


  • I would recommend eating 1200 calories w/ a lot of exercise. But dont eat back those calories. I was able to lose 30 pounds in about 4 months by eating 1300 calories and working out everyday. Im 5'1 and I had your start weight.
  • I get my protein from beans, tofu and soymilk. I dont like other legumes.. -You can make scrambled tofu with taco seasoning and make tacos! -I also like fried tofu with veggies (stir fry) -Or beans, I make a at home chipotle salad with beans, rice and pico! -Also bean soup. Or bean tostadas! And I get fats from avocados &…
  • Im not rawtill4 but i am hclf vegan. I eat rice at night and im always at a deficit. It works, you just need to eat less than you burn. Dont stuff yourself. I tried tawtill4 the "incorrect way" and i stuffed myself with 10 bananas a day and 6 cups of rice. No lol. I gained about 6 pounds