I heard chit chat was all about the banter I’m glad we’ve all bonded
Yeah but I don’t want to be healthy wolfman, just skinny. And I’m happy, so just cutting down portion sizes works for me
Have a lovely morning wolf man!
They bite too easy :D :D
:D :D :D :D
Oh my days. This is amusing now. Thanks for the entertainment. Have a lovely night me lovelies
Sorry I didn’t realise chit chat stood for online dating. Jeeze move on people. Iv already stated I didn’t know there was other forums if you would care to read back wolfman
I’m from Scotland. Here’s some motivational advice, stay off the chit chat section they will slaughter you like a sheep. :# :#
Some definitely bite after a little confusion. Turned very dark for a while there. I was beginning to rethink my whole personality. Thanks for clearing that up. Have a lovely day everyone :)
As I already said I am new to this. Didn’t mean to upset so many singletons. All the best
Ok can everyone calm down please it was a typo. No one has to die here
I’m 35 years old but il take the compliment
World wide baloney
World Wide Web
I just stumbled across the community today and was a bit confused. I do like to burns calories
I’d like to have the time for gyms but with such a busy schedule I unfortunately don’t. Just be careful of what your eating all day and get your bum off a chair for the best part of a day and that seems to work best for me with no pain involved
Now Denny let’s not even drag that comment through the mud on this glorious day ☀️
Thank you. Il look through one eye from now on
Getting a little disturbed at some of the topic titles.... ‘should I cut off my squint big toe’
Honesty gemma it happened before my eyes. Don’t waste money on gyms!