I like that, KCKO! I started at the end of Dec. and lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks, and now down a total of 40lbs. Ditto on cutting more carbs, ( or no carb for a few days ), If you're eating white carbs, cut those as well and reset your micros, and I will add ... stay away from dairy for a few days...btw: eggs are not dairy,…
We all do it... When I first started on a 20-30 carb diet, I did 50 carbs one day, and beat myself up over it ... until I read, "stressing will sabotage your diet goals". That was motivation enough for me. Pick yourself up, dust off and start over a.s.a.p. (bake yourself low carb deserts, they are usually also low cal).…
Thank you for all these yummy recipes and info. Before I went on a LCHF diet, Mondays were Pizza Night. They say where there's a Will there's a Way, lol. I make one of these recipes, and eat half. Monday Night is still Pizza Night!
First I want to say: Stress holds you back from reaching your goals. So try not to stress about it, if you cheat get back up on the horse right away. We all cheat from time to time... Okay so, my dr. told me to go on a LCHF Diet. So went home and Googled..I was amazed at how many of my 'painful ailments' ceased when I…
Thank you for the lovely welcome! :)