Its been a challenging month, I've been away from home quite a bit but pleased I hit my target of 700KM. Think I'm going to go for the big 1000km this month, I'm feeling motivated and should "hopefully" have a little more time. Only 2 months to go until Stelvio Santini eek.
MTD - 450KM. YTD - 1634KM I have actually ridden outside this month so that is at least one goal completed. I'm out the country the rest of the month with work, so not sure where the other 250KM for my target will come from. So I plan to make a last minute substitution and swap 250KM on the bike with 50KM of running ;o)
Goals for March: I plan to cycle 700KM in the month, although I'm away with work a lot, so there may be some running featuring too. The other target is to actually get outside, so far this year all my miles have been on the Watt Bike and Zwift. I have planned a 80KM ride out tomorrow morning to start me off :)
Managed 617KM for February, which is a little short of my 700 km target. Just not enough time to get the last few km's in. Target for March 700km, but away around 12 days with work so will be a challenge: Good luck for everyone in March.
OK, last week wasn't great, I was away with work 3 days so no opportunity for any cycling, although I did a couple of gym sessions in lieu. Total distance this month to date is 274.3km, hoping to get back on track for my 700km target this week as I'm at home.
Target for February is 700KM. It will be a challenge as I'm away with work quite a bit. Got a good start last week and clocked in 212KM, all on Zwift. My target this weekend is to actually get out of the house on my bike. Wishing everyone best of luck with their targets for February.
So target for February is 700KM. I've started ramping up the training, getting easier now I'm a bit lighter. Have a good month everyone: Feb distance so far is: 58.2KM, lunch and evening ride.
Hi Everyone, Hope you are all doing well? Here are my training stats for January 2017: 596.7km, 18hrs 33mins. Target for Jan was 500km. Stepping it up for February, so shooting for 700km.
A little late, but distance for last week was 187.9km, this was done over 7 rides of varying distances, depending on spare time. total distance for the year so far 286km.
@dtcjem That could pose a problem as I'm GMT and ride in the evening. I think Eastern is around 5 hours behind. Weekend ride could be the best option?
Hi Everyone, Am I missing something obvious as I don't seem to be able to reply to an existing post? Can anyone help?
@dtcjem I used one of these a little while back. Worked out OK:
Hi everyone I'm new to Myfitnesspal and I'm slowly figuring it out. I cycle quite a lot, road bike mainly, but with some mountain biking. At home I have a Wattbike and can be found on Zwift a few evenings a week under my name "Rob Askew", would be great to get a ride organised if there are a few of us. Just started…