B1ackJesus21 Member


  • This sounds interesting :) I have PCOS and losing weight is really difficult but I want to see if I can do this. CW: 240 GW by June: 210
  • This sounds kind of fun. I have PCOS and just started on gluten and dairy free. My goals for the next week are to stick to that and log more exercise in the app daily. Good luck everyone :)
  • Hey :) I have PCOS too and in the process of finding out if I have endometriosis also. Feel free to add me if you'd like :) Currently trying to find a PCOS friendly diet that will help me lose weight, get healthy, and get my hormones balanced. If anyone has suggestions, recipes, workout plans, they would be welcome :) I…
  • Hey guys :) I'm excited to start meeting other women with the same struggles. I'm 23, 240lbs and have had hypothyroidism, PCOS and related problems since I was 12. Went to numerous doctors from age 14/15 onwards and not one listened to me. I was only ever told to lose weight and come back in "x" amount of months (which is…
  • Hey guys :) my name is Orla. I'm 23, weigh 240lbs and need to lose at least 50lbs. I have Pcos and I am in the process of finding a PCOS friendly diet to help me with hormone balancing and weight loss. I would like to have kids someday and the only way that will ever happen is if I lose weight and get this thing under…