Howdy, losing 149lbs and looking for buddies :-P

thuderousthighss Posts: 10 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I figure why not introduce myself, perhaps someone has the same goal as mine or has completed the same goal and wants to become pals.

Hmm, I'm 26, 349lbs, in Texas, I am pretty excited about this site/app. I am a sucker for structure and obsessive list making, so this is perfect for me. I think keeping track of my food intake is my new favorite hobby lol. Speaking of hobbies, I enjoy reading, thrifting, painting, drawing, various crafts etc etc.

I have always been big, I believe in health at every size, though due to various things (feel free to prowl my profile) I myself, am not healthy, but I am getting there. Along side my best friend/roommate and hopefully soon my boyfriend, so good support system thus far.

So, if you feel like we could be buds or help each other through a significant amount of weight to be lost, feel free to add me!


  • jaxieangel81
    jaxieangel81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just signed up here as well. I am 35, 338lbs, and type 2 diabetic. I am also pregnant, so looking to maintain a healthy diet and then lose lose lose after the baby is born! I have been heavy most of my life, the majority of my weight having been put on after my first child was born, etc. Anyway, I am always looking for like minded people to chat with, especially since the eating healthy and getting healthy is new to me so far along in my life.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    I'm a grandfather, 68 yo and happy to say next week I plan on getting my -150# charm from WW. I started WW four years ago at 376# and I'm now at 227#

    ALL of you are YOUNG. Get healthy and stay healthy. Every other time in my life after I lost weight I went back to my old bad eating habits and gained back what I had lost plus more.

    This is the first time I have actually changed my Lifestyle and know I'm not going back to my old ways.

    My next goal is to get to 199#, the last time I remember being close was in 1988 after losing 80# to get to 202#.

  • gabby2876
    gabby2876 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello. I just rejoined after many years. I'm 40 and at my highest weight of 285 pounds. At 5'7 I have a goal of losing 125-135 pounds. I wish you the best with your journey. If you are looking for friends you may add me.
  • mamameldahl
    mamameldahl Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Nicole and I am starting out at 252 pounds. I was down to 241 during the summer, but gained after going back to work after maternity leave. My heaviest weight was 283 in summer 2015. Prior to finding out I was pregnant with my daughter, I lost 20 pounds then gained 10 pounds while pregnant. After my daughter was born in April, I had lost all of my baby weight and ten additional pounds within a week of her arrival. My goal is to get to 150.
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi! Anyone can feel free to add me! I have used MFP a few times (unfortunately never kept the weight off) and it's always been super helpful to me!!! I really want to keep it off this time. I've lost about 45 pounds, about 18 of them since this last June. I can get really lazy sometimes! I was working out a few times a week, but I haven't really exercised much at all since end of November. I am now trying to get back into being more active. I love to eat, and it's a struggle for me at times. I find that logging my foods and being more aware of what I eat, as well as having the support of others on MFP has really been helpful to me! Hope that you find it helpful too and that we can support one another
  • donnabaker99
    donnabaker99 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am D. trying to loose 10 lbs and to keep it off.
  • aurora184
    aurora184 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi I'm Aurora and I'm slowly trying to lose 100+lbs. Welcome to MFP. I'll send you a friend request so you can add me. Losing weight is so much more fun with friends.
  • bellastochmal981
    bellastochmal981 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! My HW was 295lb. I'm sitting around 265lbs now! The ultimate goal is and optimal weight but getting out of the 200s is the first goal. Anyone who would like to is free to add me :) always looking for friends!
  • MrHillman22
    MrHillman22 Posts: 401 Member
    Amazing. Good luck on your journeys everyone
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome!!! Love all the encouragement for each other. Each day is a new day. There will always be ups and downs. I recommend writing down WHY you are doing this and Deep... ask why 5 times and keep digging... then, on the bad days you'll have your own personal reminder as to why you are making a change for you, for your Life
  • AnsleyAdams97
    AnsleyAdams97 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sending requests to all of you! I am about a month and a half into my weight loss journey. I started in Decmber at 331. I am down to 314! I've lost 16lbs! Woohoo! I have been so thrilled to find such a supportive community and I am always looking for more like minded and committed friends. A little about me: I too have been overweight my whole life. I am 31, I am married and I have two dogs. I am a professional painter and art teacher. I love to read! I would love to make some new friends on here! Please hit me up if you'd like to be friends!
  • LProvince
    LProvince Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck!! Today is the first day of my long journey to be fit and healthy. Feel free to add me!! I need all the motivation I can get! 150 pounds just seems so far away!
  • Kari_Bear78
    Kari_Bear78 Posts: 533 Member
    I was in your shoes!!! I've been on MFP for over a year and I've lost 50 lbs. Started at 315lbs and now sitting at 264. It's hard with ups and downs but I don't give up. Feel free to add I try and support and motivate as much as I can and my diary is open to my friends.

    Good luck with everything!!