Savannah2990 Member


  • Lost weight , Witch has been typical of past behaviors n weight lost .. I don't think 1200 is actually enough for my body but I have been doing it 30 days . My tsh .O5 was low but yes the doctor felt it's the new normal scale , I will see .. But she did do the cytomel x2 due to energy and sleep patterns -). I was size 10…
  • Yes everything you guys have states is so very true. I will only take the water pill as I feel bloated only , Im back to my 186 the am with no bloating . My muscle pain is gone this am , full of energy as not taking levo till Friday to level off a little . Working out of xs week with elipti and cardio except last 3 days ,…
  • Blood test results show my Levo is trying to push me into hyper mode again . Decreased 125mg to 50 levo . Body hurts and headache and drained ... Possible hashimotos has been the plague I've been dealing with and makes clear sense as daily my certain food choices even fruits ,yogurt ect can upset my body function daily ..…
  • Specialist now has taken blood work for thyroid and excite and postive to get meds at optimal performance. Gain 4 pounds over night again and she put me on a low dose of diretic. Going to focus again on working harder on eliptical plus still do my cardio . Plus shots in shoulder pushing back surgery one last time -). Life…
  • Good fees back , I don't use salt but I've learned some of my food choices have high sodium even tho my test results show normal readings , I've always ballooned out expecially pregnant as doctor said he even couldn't belive how much fluid I retain but again that's still 35 yrs ago .. Well I can't weight in after work out…
  • Today I weight in 6 pounds less . Some fluid gone
  • Yes always take med alone and wait for 30-45 mins before eating ect . Scale is 6 pounds down over night -). Going to eat more veg and protein in calories and work at eliminating sodium in my food choices , seems like alot healthy foods high in sodium or goes against my meds . Plus milk products goes against me . Im…
  • Yes I'm medicaided with 2 meds . Changed 4 times in 1.5 yrs with the last on 90 days ago so im going in for blood work soon . I take 125 Levo Chytomel 5mg . Worked great for 60 days and now back to same old symptoms. Bloated, constipation, emotionally shut down , less energy . But I also take tramadol 4 x daily for spine n…
  • Scoil123 yes my water weight is horrible . Sodium I noticed this time is higher then I imigined as I track food . Working on this as I chose better foods
  • Thank you , I'm learning my low fat foods I like have high sodium -(. I've not had any issues untill this year with thyroid and loosing weight . I'm honestly not a big eater , but I'm going to stop tracking my excerise and only use 1200 in calories for intake. Appreciate your feedback ,very helpful and factual.
  • My weight lose never shows till late 6th day in evening or 7th day . Takes me full week . Why I do not know , but it does it every time . It's the way by body work I guess so I'll go with the flow -).. Plus I must weight in about 6pm
  • I love smoothies but the sugar just makes me hungry . So I limit it alot and never at night
  • I use to think when I was young this same way ! Bought into all the hype, diet this low fat that . I then educated myself and I do not buy anything special or marketing as such .. Learn the ingredients and read labels ,then learn portion control is all you need to eat healthy and loose or maintain weight . Plan and prepare…
  • As not so much about the type of food as it is about poor personal Co worker habits and behaviors. Perhaps this is where you can use humor and teach some skills of work place manors. Let it fall back on them. Do remember those perhaps who should eat better maybe jelouse and those who think they are perfect are just plain…
  • Thank you for above info .. I'm on a 1200 calorie intake and work out 6 days at least . Weight not coming off as I expected, just learning the in and outs of all this . I think I need more calories and definitely lower sodium choices .
  • New to program. Age 54 but very active and love life . Love to get to know motivated and postive ppl. Thanks and god bless
  • I'm 54 and just started journey to loose the 20 pounds I've gained in last 1.5 yrs . I love being active and refuse to let this define who I am or want to be .
  • Hello . I've been using this for 1.5 weeks and love what I've learned this far . Looking for those who are serious in being accountable and healthier over time. Then add has humor -) and can have fun doing this .. I'm am in 50s and can be a great support as well. Send me friends request! Let's make 2017 the year to…