Thyroid and food choices help !



  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Blood test results show my Levo is trying to push me into hyper mode again .
    Decreased 125mg to 50 levo .
    Body hurts and headache and drained ...
    Possible hashimotos has been the plague I've been dealing with and makes clear sense as daily my certain food choices even fruits ,yogurt ect can upset my body function daily ..
    Tsh is .05 L
    Free t3 3.2
    Free thyroxine 1.45

    She lowered levo by 75 and add cytomel 2x day.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Blood test results show my Levo is trying to push me into hyper mode again .
    Decreased 125mg to 50 levo .
    Body hurts and headache and drained ...
    Possible hashimotos has been the plague I've been dealing with and makes clear sense as daily my certain food choices even fruits ,yogurt ect can upset my body function daily ..
    Tsh is .05 L
    Free t3 3.2
    Free thyroxine 1.45

    She lowered levo by 75 and add cytomel 2x day.

    Your TSH level is normal - 0.2-2.0 is the new normal. Talk to your physician.

    FT3 and FT4 are both low, so adding the cytomel will help. You should begin to notice the impact after a week or so.

    Other than that it's all caloric intake. Much of what you are describing appears to be water retention. Build up a routine around this and try keeping your sodium intake at a consistent level. Success in this is highly dependent upon routine building. The trick is finding one that works for you and your goals.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Good fees back , I don't use salt but I've learned some of my food choices have high sodium even tho my test results show normal readings , I've always ballooned out expecially pregnant as doctor said he even couldn't belive how much fluid I retain but again that's still 35 yrs ago ..

    Well I can't weight in after work out , am time or pm time -( my true reading are about 3pm ..
    Crazy ...
    If I drink water I seem to hold it veres disposal,
    I will still drink it during work out but I do limit it .
    It sits right under my breast it seems , bloated ...

    I want to ask for a diretic when I go back for blood test , I'll see if this helps ...
    Thank you for your info ... very helpful

    I don't want to be negative but just a story about my own experience with Diuretics. I have been on them for years for my blood pressure. I've finally lost enough weight to get off of some of my meds and the diuretic in particular because it's hard on your kidneys. Now although I'm still dieting and exercising I'm experiencing a weight gain which is crazy. I'm having a miserable experience right now. I'm up between 4 and 5 pounds in as many days off the pills and I was on a very low dose. Apparently it can take many weeks for your body to rebalance. Once you are on them it's hard to get off. Don't take them unless you really need them. Just be super careful.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Yes I'm medicaided with 2 meds .
    Changed 4 times in 1.5 yrs with the last on 90 days ago so im going in for blood work soon .
    I take 125 Levo
    Chytomel 5mg .
    Worked great for 60 days and now back to same old symptoms.
    Bloated, constipation, emotionally shut down , less energy .
    But I also take tramadol 4 x daily for spine n neck injury .
    Plus I have a brackel plexus on left shoulder but only take pain meds now if needed .

    It's worth considering that tramadol maybe contributing to the symptoms you describe. You may want to talk to your doctor about the possibility.

  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes everything you guys have states is so very true.
    I will only take the water pill as I feel bloated only , Im back to my 186 the am with no bloating .

    My muscle pain is gone this am , full of energy as not taking levo till Friday to level off a little .

    Working out of xs week with elipti and cardio except last 3 days , and I feel better and tested .

    My eating some what horrible last 3 days but still
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Lost weight ,
    Witch has been typical of past behaviors n weight lost ..
    I don't think 1200 is actually enough for my body but I have been doing it 30 days .

    My tsh .O5 was low but yes the doctor felt it's the new normal scale , I will see ..
    But she did do the cytomel x2 due to energy and sleep patterns -).
    I was size 10 and I have to find my new adjustment to what my body is saying , starting with meds I take .
    Tyremodel pain meds can slow your functions down correct , been taking for 7 yrs and any chance I don't need I won't use them-)
    Ipbrophen is not a freind to me but I have try to use it for pain ..

    My thyroid has long history of high n low ..
    With closer blood testing , my new doctor who specializes in this and cytomel perhaps it will stop doing it or at least level off longer . Haha
    FT3 and Ft4 on paper says normal but I'm just learning about them , so education is the key to change and I'm the type to speak about how I feel or learned when it comes to my body and life and expect her to take that into consideration .
    Nothing worse then a doctor who thinks her/his title make the only opinion that matters .

    Thank you for all your info and suggestions
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    my tsh last time it was checked was 0.13 and i feel great!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    my tsh last time it was checked was 0.13 and i feel great!

    This is an excellent point and why one cannot just go by the "normal" range. This range is only based on population observation and is irrelevant if you are not in your normal range.

    I likely ran hyperthyroid most of my life, but never diagnosed and never felt any negative effects. When I had a total thyroidectomy even though I was in normal (at that time 0.5 - 5.0) I felt off. I finally found a physician willing to work with me and increased my Synthroid to 175/200 mcg alt/day and I'm at ~0.14.

    This is why it is so critical to have a relationship with your physician.