Thyroid and food choices help !

Looking for others to learn better choices on healthy foods who have thyroid issues to loose weight .
Looking for communication and helpful info.
I retain fluid horribly. ..
In need of 20 pound to shed and I'm very active plus work out 6 x a week.
I'm 54 and never had trouble loosing weight before , so I'm fustrated.


  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    Yep, agree w/ above. I've been hypo all my adult life. Overweight when I eat too much, back to normal when I eat less. If you have issues with water retention, maybe you can reduce your sodium. That helps me.
  • NewGemini130
    NewGemini130 Posts: 219 Member
    Also- there's a big range of normal lab results, so if you're still feeling bad still, revisit w/ your doc.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Good comments above.
    I've been on med's for hypo since I was about 13. Lost over 60 lbs simply with calorie deficit via logging food here.
    I gain when I eat too much, lose or maintain when I eat less.
    (I'm currently trying to develop better habits and eat more Whole Foods, but I would be working in that regardless of having thyroid problems. Just feels right for me and maintaining my weight loss/health.)
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you , I'm learning my low fat foods I like have high sodium -(.
    I've not had any issues untill this year with thyroid and loosing weight .
    I'm honestly not a big eater , but I'm going to stop tracking my excerise and only use 1200 in calories for intake.
    Appreciate your feedback ,very helpful and factual.
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 597 Member
    Thank you , I'm learning my low fat foods I like have high sodium -(.
    I've not had any issues untill this year with thyroid and loosing weight .
    I'm honestly not a big eater , but I'm going to stop tracking my excerise and only use 1200 in calories for intake.
    Appreciate your feedback ,very helpful and factual.

    What are your stats? I could not survive on 1200 calories, but Iose on 1600. Are you medicated? When was the last time you had blood work?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Avoid raw broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. They are thyroid suppressive. Moderate amounts cooked are okay.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I have noticed I'm much more sensitive to water weight gain than those without thyroid issues. Refined carbs and high sodium foods cause me to retain a few lbs of bloat so I try to limit them.
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Scoil123 yes my water weight is horrible .
    Sodium I noticed this time is higher then I imigined as I track food . Working on this as I chose better foods
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes I'm medicaided with 2 meds .
    Changed 4 times in 1.5 yrs with the last on 90 days ago so im going in for blood work soon .
    I take 125 Levo
    Chytomel 5mg .
    Worked great for 60 days and now back to same old symptoms.
    Bloated, constipation, emotionally shut down , less energy .
    But I also take tramadol 4 x daily for spine n neck injury .
    Plus I have a brackel plexus on left shoulder but only take pain meds now if needed .

  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 597 Member
    Yes I'm medicaided with 2 meds .
    Changed 4 times in 1.5 yrs with the last on 90 days ago so im going in for blood work soon .
    I take 125 Levo
    Chytomel 5mg .
    Worked great for 60 days and now back to same old symptoms.
    Bloated, constipation, emotionally shut down , less energy .
    But I also take tramadol 4 x daily for spine n neck injury .
    Plus I have a brackel plexus on left shoulder but only take pain meds now if needed .

    It's going to be rough going until you get the meds dialed in. Once your levels are good, all you'll need is a calorie deficit and you'll lose like everyone else.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yes I'm medicaided with 2 meds .
    Changed 4 times in 1.5 yrs with the last on 90 days ago so im going in for blood work soon .
    I take 125 Levo
    Chytomel 5mg .
    Worked great for 60 days and now back to same old symptoms.
    Bloated, constipation, emotionally shut down , less energy .
    But I also take tramadol 4 x daily for spine n neck injury .
    Plus I have a brackel plexus on left shoulder but only take pain meds now if needed .

    how do you take your meds? that made a difference for me. i was only waiting half an hour before eating - my new endo says 1 hour, plus no caffeine within that time frame. you should also not take any of your other medications at the same time as your levo. all of these things can effect absorption.
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes always take med alone and wait for 30-45 mins before eating ect .
    Scale is 6 pounds down over night -).

    Going to eat more veg and protein in calories and work at eliminating sodium in my food choices , seems like alot healthy foods high in sodium or goes against my meds .
    Plus milk products goes against me .
    Im thinking of getting a coach for work outs as right now I just work out at home with equipment. .
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Today I weight in 6 pounds less . Some fluid gone
  • honeybunny406
    honeybunny406 Posts: 12 Member
    My husband recently had bypass surgery and was put on a 2000mg/day sodium diet. I have had to learn to cook differently, watching our salt intake. We don't eat out much anymore because salt is in everything, practically. That aside, watching your salt intake should help considerably. You can track it on here, which is a good thing. I never salt anything anymore. Mrs. Dash has become our friend. It is amazing how you get used to not having salt and we don't miss it. You should check with your doctor to see if a low sodium way to go would be beneficial. I used to have horrible water retention, but with the switch, I can see I have ankles, again, and it is wonderful. Good luck!
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have Hashimoto's disease and I have the opposite problem - I have low blood sodium. Though I can retain water for various reasons (usually exercise related), I need all the salt I can get.

    I'm sharing all of this to say that I don't think that your issues with sodium are necessarily linked directly to your issues with your thyroid.
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Good fees back , I don't use salt but I've learned some of my food choices have high sodium even tho my test results show normal readings , I've always ballooned out expecially pregnant as doctor said he even couldn't belive how much fluid I retain but again that's still 35 yrs ago ..

    Well I can't weight in after work out , am time or pm time -( my true reading are about 3pm ..
    Crazy ...
    If I drink water I seem to hold it veres disposal,
    I will still drink it during work out but I do limit it .
    It sits right under my breast it seems , bloated ...

    I want to ask for a diretic when I go back for blood test , I'll see if this helps ...
    Thank you for your info ... very helpful
  • Savannah2990
    Savannah2990 Posts: 19 Member
    Specialist now has taken blood work for thyroid and excite and postive to get meds at optimal performance.
    Gain 4 pounds over night again and she put me on a low dose of diretic.
    Going to focus again on working harder on eliptical plus still do my cardio .
    Plus shots in shoulder pushing back surgery one last time -).
    Life is so amazing and such a blessing
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I cook my cruciferous veggies and also limit soy foods. Tofu used to be my go-to protein. I've been on levothyroxine since the first of the year and am trying very hard to shed 40 lbs in menopause with a newly treated hypothyroidism. 7 lbs of it gone so far!!! 1200 daily healthy whole food calories on a Mediterranean Diet, a vitamin per my doc, 10000 steps per day, circuit weights, and today I'm sore from a body sculpt class last night. I found that Levothyroxine gives me more energy, a clearer head, and my muscles and joints feel better.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    been thyroid-less for 3yrs now (total thyroidectomy in Jan 2014 for cancer) and on levo since then

    a couple of thigns - like others mentioned waiting an hour after eating really helped me; also if you are on one or the other and not seeing results you might talk to your doctor - I do fine on the generic levo, but synthroid is a no-go for me (my levels actually creep up; just went back to level and my TSH dropped from 3.5 to .45 in 2 months)

    soy is really the only thing that my endo recommends avoiding if possible