AshBrown892017 Member


  • Alpine yes they are super long workouts. Thanks to all :)
  • I need way more water though.
  • Oh yes :) my husband and I drank soda and tea. Now we only have water & I have coffee a few times a week. I've lost 4 pounds to his 18 :/ he eats less than 20 carbs. I stay around 30-40.
  • Thanks. It's good to know that's not a big part of my goal. I'll just keep it in mind if I am low on protein in my normal diet. About the fat burning....unfortunately it's my belly that I want gone. Hopefully I will lose all over and see a diff over time.
  • Thank you all :) yes I use the calorie deficit this app gave me for my specific goals. I do pretty good with that part. I usually do ok meeting my protein intake without the shake. I'm glad to know if I'm under my calorie intake that it won't hurt but I don't guess I need it. What's with the recovery drinks they advertise?…
  • Sorry that I just seen your last reply! I was doing random workouts for the core, butt, & legs but I recently started p90x. After that night I took an ibuprofen & it went away by the next couple days! Thankfully!
  • Thanks. I told the hubs just my luck bc I am really committed this time and now this. I hope it wasn't from wrong form & just where I was so out of shape and not use to the exercises.