Just strained or worse?

I've been working out 3-4 days a week all month. Everything has been going great. I had the usual soreness first worked through it feeling great. Yesterday I felt something slightly different in my lower right abdomen but nothing major. Tonight I attempted to show my husband how my pushup form has improved and a sharp pain put a stop to that. If I've been fine all month..what's happened all of a sudden? Any tips on what it may be or how to fix it will be appreciated.


  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    You may have pulled something. I would give it a couple of days rest and see how it feels. Your gallbladder and appendix are on your right side, I believe, so if you continue to have pain, you might want to see your doc.
  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    Don't stop all exercise. Active rest will help you more, just don't push yourself as hard for a couple days. If it persists I'd see a doctor
  • AshBrown892017
    AshBrown892017 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks. I told the hubs just my luck bc I am really committed this time and now this. I hope it wasn't from wrong form & just where I was so out of shape and not use to the exercises.
  • patslitzker
    patslitzker Posts: 127 Member
    What kind of exercises do you do?
  • AshBrown892017
    AshBrown892017 Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry that I just seen your last reply! I was doing random workouts for the core, butt, & legs but I recently started p90x. After that night I took an ibuprofen & it went away by the next couple days! Thankfully!