ericmarkham5 Member


  • Agree with the first two responses here. Your glutes as well as hamstrings and a lot of other muscle mass gets used automatically whenever you produce hip extension which is when you come out of the bottom of the squat where you also produce knee extension. The squat uses a ton of muscle mass which is why it is such a good…
  • It's really more based on your daily activity than it is your workout for the day. If you spend all day sitting at a computer then it sedentary/light. But if you're constantly walking, running, lifting thing, then it pretty heavy/active. Don't put your workout routine into the equation for it.
  • A good gym has good squat racks, good bars, let's you use chalk and has people in it that are there consistently, train hard, and don't ditz around that motivate you to work hard. Commercial gyms tend not to have much of the last one since their business model is built around getting you to sign up but never show up so you…
  • Yeah I second finding a gym with a real squat rack. The Smith machine is extremely suboptimal. I recommend Mark Rippetoes YouTube videos on the squat and deadlift to really learn how to do it. A good program for beginners wouldn't have you use percentage based stuff because it assumes you have a good all out 1 rep max that…
  • I had my girlfriend use this program to get into lifting for the first time. Great for exposure to the barbell lifts and doing those over machines. Not much success with the diet portion of the program but she did get stronger.
  • Nothing really makes it go away except time. Moving around helps get more blood flow going but it will just come back. You're best bet is to avoid it. Getting sore is not a sign of a good workout. It just means you did way more than what you are adapted to and don't have a good plan when going into the gym every day. Learn…
  • At the age of 49 5x5 tends to become too much volume fairly quickly for squats. My first recommendations would be to lower to 3x5 and continue with your 2.5kg linear progression like normal so the fact that the app did that is probably for the same reason. I'm guessing since I'm not famIliar with the app For your overhead…