FascinatingFascinator Member


  • I've been busier than normal lately and haven't been eating all that well since we've had a fair amount of leftovers from when we had guests over last week. & im hella nervous about actually weighing myself because oof I know that it's going to be a gain. On a positive note, I have at least been going to the gym twice a…
  • As i am just getting back into exercising period im only going to commit to doing Leslie's 1-Mile Walk video 3-4 times a week, for total of 12-16 miles total over the course of Feb.
  • Oh no! Sorry to hear that you broke your toe!
  • So I've never quite realized how much I base my mood off of Father's in the morning. If he's in a bad mood when I surface from downstairs, then I'm immediately annoyed and defensive because he's usually bitching about me or the cats, or if I'm listening to a stream on mobile while I'm in the kitchen he makes fun of the…
  • Hi hi y'all can call me Fas :) I'm 28, female. I've always been fat. Name a diet, I've probably done it. Surprise, surprise none of them stuck and I've been in that lovely cycle of losing & gaining ever sincr elementary school. Back in '17 my brother, SIL, & I lost weight together & I lost about 80 lbs, but drama and a…
  • Yes! I most definitely second finding workout videos, whether they're on DVD or Blu-Ray (or VHS if you're extremely old school), or even on sites like YouTube. I know that Comcast had a Sports/Exercise section on their OnDemand menu back when I lived in California that had exercise videos included, so you might want to try…
  • I think that I'll start out with weekly pep talks for sure, maybe as a motivational monday type of deal.
  • Hi hi, I'm FascinatingFascinator on Twitch, and Fascinator on Discord. You can call me Fascinator or Fas/Fasc. Overall my goal is to get to a healthy weight, which is something that I've never really been. For a myriad of reasons I've always had weight issues. On here I put 140 as my goal weight based on BMI even though I…