eileenbednarz Member


  • I add a tablespoon of PB2 to my 310 Protein Shake Chocolate every morning with a banana. Yum!
  • 310 Protein Shake with banana and PB2 powder (one third the calories as peanut butter) or I also love Kashi Go Lean Almond Crunch cereal.
  • Kind Bar Peanut Butter and dark Chocolate - Yum and only 200 calories
  • I have been at this for 3 months now and down 22 pounds. I stick with a 1200 calorie goal per day (some days I do go over but usually within 100 calories) and I try to work out 3-4 times a week even if it is a brisk walk for 60 minutes. I don't weigh myself every week. I get frustrated and give up if I don't see the…
  • Hi Gang- I just joined 12 days ago and sticking to it! I am going to be 52 on 2/23 and my goal is to be in the best shape ever. So far I have been on a 1200 calorie diet and logging all of my food to keep track I also cut out soda and am on a low carb diet. I need to lose 80 pounds. I haven't weighed myself yet because in…
  • 52 this month. Just started 12 days ago. I haven't weighed myself because in the past I want to see quicker results and with being over 50 the metabolism has definitely slowed down. Plan on weighing myself on March 1st and every first of the month thereafter. Keeping the faith and remaining positive!