I go 25% carb/starch 25% veg and 50%protine I try use as little fat as possible 0% added fat and trimming all lean produce. no added sugars to. I try use honey for sweetness but avoid over all. Be aware you are about to get lectures saying carbs are good but its true carbs in mostly everything.
Do you just add hot water to cook it?
It's my favourite part too. I will still have it occasionally on special occasions but over all trying to lower it all and Carbs to try manage my diabetes
I thorght of that just after I posted that lol It's cooked up for them now but I'm still interested in what others do with it.
I'm trying to loose weight and take on less fat
I think I have done! Not sure mind how ever you may find it interesting to know that in those pictures I'm dressed as Umbridge
I went, I drank, I conqured. I took my own cup too (it has a lid so no spillage) anyway I got sloshed and stayed in my limits I just had a big cup of water between drinks, I had one double rum and Lemonade and Rose wine.
Tonights the night!
IF they have butter beer I will gladly starve for the next month. Kidding I'm hoping for fire whiskey
I'm going to Dublin over St Patricks day, My Fiancee's sister and her husband work for Guinness and Last time I stayed with them we had "Breakfast" I have no idea how I'll handle it this time while trying to eat healthy.. When in Rome. Or Ireland. Ack you get the point
I am adding beans and lentils every day and having meat once (often WITH the meat) I tend to have meat once at dinner I'm also in England so our prices vairy quite a bit here
Thanks all
Not avoiding just can't afford to have it as much as I'd like
better than my spiralizer?! I aidmit I'm petrified of going over my targets dunno why. I'm desperate to stop diabetes if it's possible, Ds want me to have a gastric band which i assume will reduce how much I eat even mre
I'll use that link after my next weigh in. I don't own scales so don't know what I'm at weight wise right now but I'm seeing my Dr this week
Yes possible diabetes I have been trying to add soya protine mince,lentils and beans to atleast one meal a day Do you have any alternative advice for bulking it out more?
Ok so what can I add that would be nutritious, Low sugar and carb but filling?
Think its open now! and to answer an earlier question I'm guesstimating the measurments and using Spoons, cups and packets where possible.
I'll happily open my diary as I do want constructive criticism. How do I do it?
I've stopped having sugar in my (fore was aprox 8 cups a day with 2 sugars now it 3-5 no sugard going di at mid day so eating to try help the world stop spinning)
I've also felt satisfied (full) with the ammount of food I've eaten each day till today where I want to eat a horse
Not just 4 days it's been a week but yes before hand I was eating 1 meal (dinner) of the same or similar size but carb heavy
I also don't get much physical exercise as I'm disabled I do what I can but it's no where near as much as most people would burn off
Because I'm eating 3 times where I'm used to eating 1 time
Way more than normal and yes I'm eating lean. Yesterday I ate 830, before that 1215, and before 1150 Today: 879 I am eating about 3 times what I normaly would (only been "dieting" a week now)
I will do! I need to watch the diabetes side too as im pretty close to being diabetic too