olira6624 Member


  • I am fighting sugar too,not easy I must say and sometimes I just give myself some treat and not buying sugar or sweet is easier heh lots of carrots instead some are really sweet :) fight, we are all fighting here, gd luck
  • But in general what kind of cheat days, no exercise or cookie because I feel like I wanna cookie, its not cheating if all the way you doing great and sticking to your plan or is it?
  • Update:60 morning, 60 evening, knee talking much less,pain gone, gonna continue for more and more.
  • 30,30,25,25,25
  • Thank you snowflake954
  • Amusedmonkey yes it is about to break the emotional connection and happylosermom you are absolutely right we need this little plesure moments like coffee or piece of cake or whatever but the things is to know the limit. In my case there was no limit but I am working on it. I was using 2 kg sugar bag for week and just for…
  • Amusedmonkey there is 20 calories in 1spoon, your idea is good but its not only about calories, its about sugar and coffee itself as my comfort and answer for everything, hunger,problem,hapiness literally everything this coffee is like my drug in every moment still on my mind. So what I am thinking is that my body and…
  • My 7th day, one sugar with first coffee,during all day bitter with milk, I should be happy but somehow I am not, feeling strange and depresing.
  • Find job I love without haters around, but on the other side if I could find job I love so I will deal the haters myself maybe heh :)
  • I do some sketches paintings and strange art stuff but I dont feel like I wanna show it, its just for me I suppose heh I like your work
  • Nope, thinking how to destroy this walls I put around myself, if only hammer could help here heh but hope many of you making great memories
  • No coffee so far but sweet sweet breakfast, I feel guilty but happy :|
  • Retrain my taste? Hmm I like that ha exactly, thanks a lot I need to keep it in my mind :)
  • Yes I know I just want too much too quick
  • Coffee with milk no sugar, disaster! My brain is screaming for sugar! But I said no no no! :/
  • Hi I am 41my body is stubborn and my mind is stubborn, some honest hard work is needed but most important some friends to keep it all together and support eachother...
  • 60 done, gonna keep 60 for few days then will try as much as I can but just for one day to check myself and continue with 4 series 20, my knee keep talking to me :)
  • Today wasnt so bad just 2 coffees but as is Friday there was some alcohol hmm calories calories...why do you even exist ;) but tomorrow is another day so I am not gonna cry about it, thank you all for your comments and it seems to me that not too many people strugling with bitter taste or quantity of coffee like I do or…
  • Bravo, I did yesterday 15 in 4 series and my knee is giving me strange noise :o my body is still weak me legs were shaking but I made it :)
  • Gd morning, so its going better, one sugar and milk in the morning and bitter with milk during the day hey I like that compromise, stick with 2 coffees daily, feeling gd, have a gd day everyone dont be tooo hard on yourself and follow your instinct :)
  • I read all your comments with attention and I admire people who can drink bitter coffe and something tells me its not gonna be me. I dont like the taste of it so much that every coffee I have made I took few sips and well guess heh sink :o but in the end of the day I realize that all together I drank maybe ONE coffee what…
  • You doing better and better, keep going, I am gonna join you every evening during my movie :)
  • My first thing today was coffe and I didnt like it and I notice I was anxious and upset because I couldnt make what I wanted. I told myself yesterday that I gonna have my favorite sugar milky this morning but then when I was in the kichen I decided to start the day in different way than usually and now well still without…
  • Heh yes " punch in the face" would be gd solution not only as a name for expresso but also every time when I want to put more sugar in it ;) Stella congratulations I hope I will be there soon too :)
  • Thank you for your support, its really harder than I thought, I am addicted to coffee thats for sure but because this coffe its not tasty for me at all so instead of 10 I drank just 3 so far, in same way its even better but well, the thing is to stop liking the taste of sugar but how to do it :o I know there are sweeteners…
  • Thanks but I must admit that at the moment this coffe is terrible :) I need to try some different ones and find my favorite then ha and thats gonna be another challenge
  • Uk Oldbury feel free to ad me and gd luck everyone on our jurney :)
  • West midlands UK :)