bitter coffee?

olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
Oh my lovely coffee with 2 sugars and milk I am gonna miss u ...but...I am gonna make it almost bitter so half spoon of sugar and I dare you to join :)


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I've been drinking black coffee for at least 2 years. I get flavored coffee grounds so I don't miss the creamers.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Good coffee is like wine. Different tastes, different intensities. Enjoy going au natural with it!
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks but I must admit that at the moment this coffe is terrible :) I need to try some different ones and find my favorite then ha and thats gonna be another challenge
  • teicu1
    teicu1 Posts: 71 Member
    olira6624 wrote: »
    Thanks but I must admit that at the moment this coffe is terrible :) I need to try some different ones and find my favorite then ha and thats gonna be another challenge
    I sympathize with you and applaud what you’re trying to do. I’m on the same path. My present half-way “compromise” with coffee is using Splenda and CoffeeMate moderately in my one and only coffee of the day--a 20oz mug first thing in the AM. I used to do it “light and sweet”--which means lethal doses of Half+Half and sugar--so my present compromise is at least a slight improvement. I know artificial sweeteners aren’t exactly health food, and I hope to move away from them in the future. Best wishes and good luck with your efforts!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    A coffee shop I used to frequent named its espresso "Punch in the Face." That was good stuff.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    Gotta have a good coffee to drink it black. I got off the (huge amounts) cream and sugar a number of years ago and don't look back. It was a tough transition and I applaud your efforts. Best of luck!
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for your support, its really harder than I thought, I am addicted to coffee thats for sure but because this coffe its not tasty for me at all so instead of 10 I drank just 3 so far, in same way its even better but well, the thing is to stop liking the taste of sugar but how to do it :o
    I know there are sweeteners but first I dont like the taste of it and second I dont wanna exchange one sweet for another, so maybe what we should to do is stop thinking about lack of sugar just enjoy taste of coffe and waiting patiently when our body start to accept it, I dont know but if I could cut sugar in coffe or tea it would be great great improvement for me and you are already there so in my opinion you are doing great, but the first morning coffe gonna be my sin I can say so now :) I wish you gd luck too and every bitter coffe is step closer to sweet succes so lets dont give up and all the best for all of us :)
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    Heh yes " punch in the face" would be gd solution not only as a name for expresso but also every time when I want to put more sugar in it ;)
    Stella congratulations I hope I will be there soon too :)
  • teicu1
    teicu1 Posts: 71 Member
    "olira6624 wrote: »
    ..... so instead of 10 I drank just 3 so far.....
    Holy moley! Many years ago, I used to drink ~15 cups of coffee a day, so I know what you’re talking about. I’ve long since gotten down to a couple cups a day (now just one double-size one, first thing in the AM) and I’m a lot better off and healthier for having done so. I hope you can make the same transition. If you can, your body will thank you for it.
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    My first thing today was coffe and I didnt like it and I notice I was anxious and upset because I couldnt make what I wanted. I told myself yesterday that I gonna have my favorite sugar milky this morning but then when I was in the kichen I decided to start the day in different way than usually and now well still without breakfast, bad mood and angry at myself that such a silly thing like coffe is making me crazy...but teicu1 I am not gonna give up I will find some way to make it happend...thank you.
  • retromancing
    retromancing Posts: 1 Member
    I always drink my coffee black and have never enjoyed it with milk, and I'll say that the coffee and the method of preparation makes a BIG difference. If you've got any independent coffee shops near you, I'd recommend taking a trip to one and explaining what you're after - they'll be able to recommend a roast and a bean that sits your tastes, and will probably be more than happy to prepare a couple of tasters for you.

    For me, I prefer a cleaner tasting cup of coffee, so I generally prefer washed beans, and I always opt for an aeropress* (where available), a V60, and then a generic filter or batch brew.

    *If you find you like cups made with an aeropress, they're not too expensive to buy for home use. I have one, and a lot of coffee shops will do a deal for aeropress + beans, and will generally offer you a free cup of coffee as well.

    Good luck finding something that works for you! If you find any coffee shops offering a cupping session, I'd recommend going to that - they go into the various processes of roasting and producing coffee, and provide samples of various different coffees from various different countries, and you'll 100% be able to find one you like - not all black coffee is going to taste super bitter!
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    olira6624 wrote: »
    Thank you for your support, its really harder than I thought, I am addicted to coffee thats for sure but because this coffe its not tasty for me at all so instead of 10 I drank just 3 so far, in same way its even better but well, the thing is to stop liking the taste of sugar but how to do it :o
    I know there are sweeteners but first I dont like the taste of it and second I dont wanna exchange one sweet for another, so maybe what we should to do is stop thinking about lack of sugar just enjoy taste of coffe and waiting patiently when our body start to accept it, I dont know but if I could cut sugar in coffe or tea it would be great great improvement for me and you are already there so in my opinion you are doing great, but the first morning coffe gonna be my sin I can say so now :) I wish you gd luck too and every bitter coffe is step closer to sweet succes so lets dont give up and all the best for all of us :)

    I switched my brand of coffee in November 2016 and drink it black. I was the "give me a little coffee with my cream and sugar" girl. Lol now when i try it, it just doesnt taste good anymore. And the brand i switched to is a healthy coffee, so its good for you.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I live in Italy and so have a cappuccino often. I used to add sugar or sweetner. Since I started MFP I drink it plain. The quality of the coffee has to be good. At home I make it myself with a mug and some instant coffee with water, and add a little low-fat milk which I shake up until frothy. In other words, ditch the sugar, but keep the milk, and see how that goes. It worked for me.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    edited February 2017
    I am weaning myself down. I used to take a liberal 2-3 "teaspoons" (like a spoon from the drawer) and plenty of cream, now I take an actual measuring spoon and take 2 real teaspoons and 1/4 cup 2% milk. I am not brave enough to go cold turkey. Might be time to try reducing the sugar a bit though. I probably won't ever skip the milk. For that I'd just as soon give up coffee altogether. I'd be more concerned if I had more than 1 a day but I switched to herbal teas in the afternoons/evenings.
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    I read all your comments with attention and I admire people who can drink bitter coffe and something tells me its not gonna be me. I dont like the taste of it so much that every coffee I have made I took few sips and well guess heh sink :o but in the end of the day I realize that all together I drank maybe ONE coffee what is incredible, at this moment as I see my daily calories I decided to treat myself and I have now one sugar and milk and this is it! So I am thinking what is better,torture myself with bitter few times daily as my body need coffeine or rather try to eliminate coffee as much as possible( 1or 2daily) but keep it the way I enjoy? From 2 sugars I can see I can stick with 1 and milk MUST stay. So did I lost the battle? So will see, I will keep trying. I put away the sugar to the corner and I am gonna fight with this sweet devil tomorrow morning again :)
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    Gd morning, so its going better, one sugar and milk in the morning and bitter with milk during the day hey I like that compromise, stick with 2 coffees daily, feeling gd, have a gd day everyone dont be tooo hard on yourself and follow your instinct :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I've always had my coffee black ever since I started drinking it. It's one of the few things I can thank my "wanting to look cool like a grownup" teenage phase.
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    Today wasnt so bad just 2 coffees but as is Friday there was some alcohol hmm calories calories...why do you even exist ;) but tomorrow is another day so I am not gonna cry about it, thank you all for your comments and it seems to me that not too many people strugling with bitter taste or quantity of coffee like I do or the ones who are strugling they prefer stay quiet and there are so many other problems not just silly coffee, whatever it is,whoever is reading this dont give up, slowly slowly and keep moving one small step aftet another fight your demons to win your war even if u lost some battle.
  • olira6624
    olira6624 Posts: 30 Member
    Coffee with milk no sugar, disaster! My brain is screaming for sugar! But I said no no no! :/
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    I dropped from 2 to 1 tsp sugar this morning. It was alright. Not too bitter. I may get off sugar yet...or not.