ashmullo788 Member


  • ahh ok thanks all
  • i dont like the summer tbh it sets of my panic attaks, and working out in summer makes it worse lol but i just wounderd weather the heat made a differance to loosing weight, thanks for that anyways im more active in winter so its just going to slow me down now this summer to loose weight without excersize
  • ok i have pinetrest meself just trying to get used to it thanks for that
  • can i ask what you eat please some ideas ?
  • lol if your not here to tell me some advice then i suggest you move on to someone who gives a monkey this is not a spelling test its a weight loss app and if you want to think your smart with your questions then go and do it somwhere else
  • i dont use them lol
  • thanks for the advice i do have bread ive just had a chicken salad sandwitch about 2 hours ago for lunch so i do have carbs i have tuna pasta and stuff like that also
  • Id love to the calorie defict if i new what i was doing i dont acctually get what it is and ive been told what it is a million times i just dont get it lol im 11st 9lb want to get to around 8.9 im a small person and my calorie limit is 1.300
  • What are carb foods? And no its just ive been eating the wrong type of foods and i really like salad and veg so i thought why not just eat them with my meals then instead of having burger and chips lol
  • If salads meats veggies doesnt mean auntomatic weight loss then what does? Im confused if thats the case ill never loose weight what can you eat then?
  • Ive had to buy these things only because the foods i was eating before isnt helping me they was full of fat like breaded chicken breasts, chicken nuggets, dippers, chips , burgers, cake , sweets thats all ive been eating and its not helping so ive went for a more healthier option? And i havent got a food scale yet but im…
  • Thanks for all the nice comments im going to take up all the advice im glad ive got that out in the open its just been on my mind and im on a healthy lifestyle choice starting today and im not going to stop either im determined
  • Thanks for your advice and reply i will start to clean it out more regular i get showers so maybe theres just not enough water getting in to clean it out and also my belly button is covered by fat on my belly roll most of the time so i thought maybe its that thanks
  • Thanks alot for the advice your all so kind
  • I know the doctor told me it was fine how the hell can it be fine when it smells though lol he should of give me cream either way i really do think its because the fats overlapping my belly button so its not getting any open fresh air could beat meself up about it but the only thing now is to loose weight
  • Doubt anyone has my problem i just know it might be coz of weight gain as ive never had this problem before
  • Id rather talk about poop than what my problem is lol
  • Ok here goes...... lol well im 11 stone 9 used to be 8.9 but had my little girl and put 3 stone on by carrying on binge eating after i had her (my mistake) and also before i mention i have been to the doctors about this and he told me it isnt infected and its fine so im assuming its weight gain so my belly button has…
  • Ahhhh its just so embarrasing though :( lol i feel ill get laughed at
  • What i mean it gain weight of this takeout lol ruin it
  • Tbh im just a fatty and need to get it togther to completly get rid of binge and not have atall but i ts like if i dont eat any sort of chocolate or somthing nice im not going to succeed ive tried cutting that out altogther and i always end up back square 1 but ive been having the odd creme egg and its made me feel happy…
  • Arr its ok im sure its fine as a 1 off like i think anyways lol
  • Havent excersized today as my body really sore of my workout yesterday my heads pounding im not well i done 20 mins of cleaning and thats about it had chicken breast peas and few chips so im starved didnt fill me up today atall
  • Im 11.9 want to be 8.9 and i eat half back or just under 100 cals left on my dairy
  • I eat 1.330 calories a day leave 100 x
  • Ok thanks for the advice im not sure i got an awnser though lol i will eat my takeout enjoy it and then start new
  • I workout 6 times a week 1 day of rest and i put to loose 1 pound a week
  • And havent lost anthing yet but i havent been eating any junk food ive been sticking to the plan havent lost a pound lol
  • I started 2 weeks ago
  • Thanks