hmeskool4 Member


  • Your son is sooo incredibly blessed to have a mom who is keeping such an AWESOME balance with helping him with his sensory issues and keeping him eating as healthy as possible. I know what a handful it can be!
  • I have found my most difficult struggle in going paleo is no cheese. I didn't know life or meals without cheese existed and am still craving it frequently but learning to be satisfied without. Sounds like you spend a lot of time in the kitchen taking care of your family. That's AWESOME!!! It is so much work having a child…
  • Mummoid, I so understand sensory issues. My 3 with cognitive disabilities came to me with sensory issues (5 of our kids are children we fostered and then later adopted). We have done a LOT of work along those lines over the years. Now, they present with a LOT less issues. I can at least get them all to eat most any food…
    in Hi! Comment by hmeskool4 March 2017
  • Hi Tabitha, welcome! As I mentioned to mummmoid, I've been missing for a little over a week but am back now. Too many things came up at once and I've found it difficult to have much computer time. :open_mouth: I too started here several years ago. So long ago I didn't even realize I still had an account when I came to…
    in Hi! Comment by hmeskool4 March 2017
  • Hi mummoid and welcome, I've been MIA for a little over a week due to life but kept up with my new lifestyle in the meantime. :smiley: I have 3 with cognitive delays and 1 with asthma that I deal with. 1 of my cognitive delayed children also has high functioning autism. I started the end of January needing to lose 60 - 70…
    in Hi! Comment by hmeskool4 March 2017
  • Is there anyone still in this group. I have 12 kids and 9 are still at home. Really hoping somebody is still around. Just noticing all of the posts are from 2014. LOL
    in Welcome Comment by hmeskool4 March 2017