Jessimom2 Member


  • @eggfooyamyam I’d like to join too. Started 3/5/19. I know the exact date because I did a weight challenge with coworkers :) I’ve been quietly logging on my own for a while now and like the idea of an accountability group a lot.
  • Thank you! Will have to try this. I made a chicken parm recipe from ruledme and had low carb tomato sauce with these noodles last week. I bought no calorie fettuccine Alfredo sauce from Sprouts. A little scared to try it. Anyone tried it here yet with these noodles? No calorie sauce seems wrong, but I had to buy it to see.
  • Thank you! I kept reading the special meals were hit or miss on crabs and tasting okay. I was debating about just buying food before the flight. I guess I will, just seems like such a waste. I am on an IF regimen right now and very happy with it. The plane leaves right when I normally eat one of my two meals and I don’t…
  • Will totally love this!!! Ever since ‘Super Size Me’ I’ve like documentaries like this. Though usually I only go for Marvel movies :) Thanks!
  • I’m checking in. I’ve stalled on weight loss :/ Which is why I’m trying IF now too. But feel so good on Keto, not changing anything with that.
  • Hello! New here :) I make a Keto coffee with protein powder, coconut oil, and ground flax seed. The flax bumps my fiber intake which is supposed to help with PCOS and has omegas. Hope this helps!
  • Hi! New here :) When you fight your kids for seaweed snacks you’d never thought you love a year ago.