jonnymopar Member


  • Name: Jon J. How long in maintenance: 3.5 years Goal maintenance range: 225-230lbs. Current weight: 237lbs It was a rough, but bittersweet winter. I welcomed my daughter into the world in January, which was followed by a severe lack of sleep and rapidly going back and forth between stress eating and skipping meals. I…
  • 37M and just welcomed my second (and final) child into the world a few months ago. Need to get things back in line! I'm still 35lbs less than I was at my peak in 2012. But a year and a half ago, I was at a 50lb net loss. Back on here to hopefully achieve that again.
  • Welcome! You've got some lofty goals there, but you're in a place where there's abundant proof that those goals ARE attainable! I don't have any advice specific to keto since my weight loss strategy was mainly "you're not an idiot, so stop eating like one". My only general advice is this: some weeks will be far more…
  • Ah well I guess it's just me. :) There was a pizza lunch at work yesterday that resulted in a triumphant entry reading Pizza - 0 Slices. Just got me wondering if I was the only one, so I thought I'd throw it out there.
  • Kinda fun to do some math with this stuff. I've lost my car's front tires plus my neighbor's stupid cat (20 + 20 + 11).
  • I take the burp-less capsules every day. My cholesterol has never been higher than 185, but my HDL has always been too low. My doctor told me that fish oil supplements might help straighten things out a bit. We shall see.
  • Exactly the same for me. I figure that way, any Saturday night partying gets closely accounted for.
  • Everybody's probably posted these already, but for me: - you'll be uncomfortable telling people how much weight you've lost (still strange to me) - you'll be the last person to notice it - after a while, walking past a mirror will be confusing (of course it's hugely rewarding as well, but I still haven't gotten used to not…
  • Your original post sums up the way I feel. Luckily for you, as others have posted here, you don't need it. I'm not sure what your starting point is in general, but for me, I started walking 1/2 mile at lunch at the beginning. Before long, it became 1 mile, then 2! I can't do much at home being on dad duty, and I can't go…
  • Hi all, I just joined here a few days ago and I already really like what I see. I have experience with WW, but a friend recommended that I check out MFP. I lost 25lbs in 2013 with WW, then hit a rough patch (read: becoming a father - a happy one, but an overweight one), and things got out of hand. I resubscribed to WW a…