Ohh I'm set 2160 and if I eat that exacatly I'm still in a deficit? Me too...
That's crazy haha! I'm over here in the U.K. So hard for me to grab a Twinkie and to be honest I've never even tasted one
Thanks everyone! I'm always around 500 under my calories, is this healthy and am I losing weight faster than I would be if I was 100 under? I'm set 2160 a day
No I wouldn't lol but I just found it hard to believe!
Okay thankyou makes me feel a lot less guilty!! Also congrats on the loss @MalkinMagic71
I've just been brought up with the mindset any fizzy pop is bad for you and I just can't see drinking Diet Coke regularly being alright? And no I didn't steal it haha
It's called ketogenic dieting
I've defiantly noticed it going down maybe by 30 so far?
Around 7000 on a college day and then 15000+ easily on a work day
Thankyou for your response it helped me understand I think I've finally got the grasp of it!
Thank you that's helps a lot! I go to college 5 days a week and work 15 hours at a supermarket so I'm constantly walking around and I'm at the gym 4/5 a week would you class that as active? When it asks what you are
Oh that really helped I get where your coming from now so basically as time goes on and as you lose more weight the more the app demands of you until a point where it's not copeable
Yeah I understand that, does dieting get easier as time goes by
Yeah you've got a good point there but small reductions in calorie intake over months wouldn't effect a person as bad or would it?
So basically what your saying is as time goes on and as someone keep losing wieght and finds that it's getting slower maybe it's time to lower there calorie intake?
Yeah I understand that but what if your still losing weight but slower than usual is this down to them person?
I don't think fasting is for me I'm never really hungry at one point I'm just hungry throughout the day
Would you guys say when wieght loss comes to a slow it's the person fault or it's just life I understand metabolic rate slows down but can the person counteract this
Yes I go to the gym as much as possible now around 4/5 times a week and do 300 calories cardio and small amounts of wieght training I'm big built and do have quite a lot of muscle under my layer as I use to be in really good shape
Yeah good idea! I'll increase my carbs too 40 as I feel like that's achievable Also anyone have a rough idea how long it will take me to lose 20 kg
That's my exact goal I wanna get to a stage where I feel like I can eat things and still feel good within myself and look good I'm still gonna calorie count but I'm not gonna care as much I got myself to this weight now it's time to get myself back
What's the benefits of fasting? I've heard of them diets what are like 5 days on 2 days off and stuff but how does it make you feel?
I don't know I'm gonna fill my diary tomorrow!
That's really good!! Maybe I just need to stop worrying about it as much! I just really wanna get back to how I use to be a year ago as soon as possible
Not a massive fan of bacon too salty haha
I wanna get to around 12 stone maybe 13 stone Yeah it's really slowed down now tho I'm losing barely anything that's what's made me causes of eating carbs
That's great :) maybe I just need to slowly increase my carbs until it feels right!
That's awesome! How long did that take?
I'm 99.3 Kg originally 102.4 kg a week ago today, I'm around 6 foot tall and just turned 18
For dinner I had haddock and large amount of sliced greens