Cook with some kind of oil. I use avacado oil couple of tablespoons adds 375 calories to my eggs. I don't like to eat a whole lot so oils give me calorie boost. Swap from skim to whole milk....little things like that
Doesn't this sound wonderful?
@cmsienk @Cat0703a Shall I shed some tears for rough morning and awaking on the wrong side of bed??
Aren't I still up and will be up after your 3 hour nap?
Shouldn't we warn her about your hate for pickles and people who like them? Did that change after you turned over a new leaf?
Wouldn't I go with Zaxby's as well?
Don't I have a Zaxby's and a Chick-fil-A close to me?
Isn't there people in this thread that don't like Chick-fil-A and some do not even know where the closest one is located?
Didn't you say absent friend?
Didnt we feel the thread was taking a turn for the worse and needed some rules to be followed?
Wasn't I expecting the OP to support the limiting of questions per post and was highly disappointed?
@srazamora Wasn't I pushed to my limits with constant rule breakers and nap takers?
Dam impressive.......grip strength off the charts What's your body weight?
Didn't I throw coffee on your wall and make some motivational workouts?
Where have you been today?
Why did they move you to new office? Do you think they might have hidden cameras?
Doesn't this sound about right? Should I say a normal day?
Doesn't that cut to the bone? Won't I make sure to crash all your parties now?
You wasn't invited? Wasn't I there and heard them talking about you?
Might I just go lick my wounds?
Can I say I am highly disappointed with the reply from the OP tonight?
Isn't this blasphemy?
Shouldn't you already know where the closest Chick-fil-A is located?
@srazamora Did you know we have wondered where you have been? Haven't I been trying to teach the rules around here?
- ladies Bananas close 2nd
@cmsienk Didn't I post them but didn't make the 75 ?
You are doubting? Didn't you just mess up my strategy? 😏
How about 75 in a minute?
How many is acceptable? Might I make a gif so you can watch?
May I offer no coffee at all? Shouldn't you all toughen up?