whitney91smith Member


  • No problem @missaudrey0275 , always happy to help!
  • That's a great question, because when most people think about dieting the first thing they think about is calories in vs calories out. This is important because at the end of the day you do have to have a calorie deficit in order to actually lose weight, but in order to change body composition (lose fat/gain muscle) you…
  • The best way to keep moving in the right direction is to eat in a way that works with your body. The easy way to do that is a clenched fist size serving of carbs, a clenched fist size serving of vegetables, and a palm sized(length, width, thickness) portion of protein every few hours. Eating enough protein throughout the…
  • If your running in the open heat don't be afraid to have people help you on things like the monkey bars, walls, the multi rig, etc. that you think will possibly reinjure your shoulder. That's the beauty of the open heat is the teamwork aspect of people helping others. If you see anyone from the Corn Fed Spartan team…
  • I've done 4 Spartan Races and other obstacle course races. I now race in the elite heat and have plans to do 6 obstacle course races this year, 5 of which will be Spartans. I train year round for obstacle course races. I guess you can say I've had some experience with Spartan Races lol. I've been in your shoes before and I…
  • I do the exact same thing when working with people. Everything has to be done on an individual basis to help that person see results and help them develop a plan that works for them in the long run. That's why crash diets and "cookie cutter" diet and training plans from Dr. So and so who will sell you a plan for some…
  • I agree with all of that and there's also no one size fits all suggestion or plan for every single person. Everyone's body is different, it responds differently to training, supplements, macros percentages, etc., and everyone has different fitness goals. I'm not saying formal training has no value, because it definitely…
  • That's a great point and I understand where you're coming from with that advice. The people I'm referring to have helped thousands of people have success with anything from weight loss to putting people on the stage and getting thier pro card and everything in between. They don't make a certification that represents real…
  • Yep, that's definitely true. BCAA are like a foreman on a job site overseeing that everything goes as planned but nothing really gets done until the workers, essential amino acids, show up to get the job done.
  • I did intermittent fasting for over two years and yes I had great results with it and I loved it. I think it's a good choice for someone looking for a maintenance for of a nutrition plan, but it is an extreme way to eat for most people. If you don't have the right mindset it can create an unhealthy relationship with food…
  • I think we're pretty much on the same page now. Everyone has thier opinion about protein I'm just going off my knowledge from my education over the years and what I've learned from people who have NASM certifications and over 5 years in the industry, some of which are the top nutrition coaches in the country, that I'm…
  • Sorry, my apologies, that wasn't my intention to the OP. I'm the type of person that wants to know the specifics of how to do things the right way from the beginning. I was just trying to help the OP avoid setbacks.
  • I'm glad we agree on 1 and 5. Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my other information. 2. Muscle tissue, that includes your heart cause it's a muscle, is what is actively burning muscle for you throughout the day. It has control over your metabolism. Your organs daily functions are a base for your metabolism, but your…
  • I use 1st Phorm's Level-1(link removed by mods) in between meals and I use Phormula-1 and Ignition Post Workout (link removed by mods) Thier products all have 110% money back guarantee and thier the best tasting I've ever had. Plus their protein is all cold temperature cross flow micro-filtered processed to assure high…
  • I was just trying to help the person out that asked the original question. I'm sorry if any of that offended you. I've been in the beginner's shoes before and any "real" help is nice to have to avoid all the "fitness pitfalls" of misinformation.
  • Thanks for your opinion and I would be more than happy to discuss any of that because I know for 100% fact none of that it bullcrap and is 100% science based information. There's nothing bullcrap about feeding your body what it needs, when you need it. That's just doing fitness the right way. That's how you get results and…
  • This is a great question and an area where I used to not be as good at with my nutrition and my results and training suffered because of it. Pre workout and even throughout the day you're going to want to eat a predominantly carb and protein based diet somewhere in the area of 40% carbs/40% protein/20% fat with your…