amtyrell Member


  • Here in Maryland the governor just closed down all casinos and racetracks and off track betting Oh and because this site is owned by under armour i know they also closed down their headquarters starting friday and have moved to work from home .
  • If it is a nice day where you are can I encourage you all to get outside even if just to your yard or local park. I am not sure and the evidence is not in for covid-19 but Vitamin D in normal get some sun every day levels been shown to help immune system fight off other viruses. Also a bit of fresh air and exercise helps…
  • Eat fiber containing vegetables , eat some probiotics like yogurt or kefir ,and drink plenty of water and your gut will be healthy
  • I dislike beet juice because it will stain absolutely everything. It is a stain making machine. Roasted is how i most like my beets
  • I spent the day clearing my yard of sticks ,mulching my beds, weeding, and general garden prep. I also planted out my peas and beets
  • As a single person I actually feel a bit better off. Think about it is two people isolate together there is twice the chance of being infected to start and will infect other one. I know i daily check in with my sister and her family so she would know but i am really on my own. Also a friend pointed out all the romantic…
  • Fats have 9 calories per gram Protein has 4 calories per gram. Anything that contains a lot of fat and a lot of protein will by definition have a lot of calories. I am confused what you are looking for. Do you eat meat? Do you want something with lots of bulk OR with lots of fat and protein. Best idea I have for you is a…
  • Nuts. They are tasty, vegan, fat and protein
  • I couldn't sleep at about 230am and normally work at 5am so I decided to go to the 24 hr grocery store near me. I figured the only things i needed to stay home for a month would be coffee, deodorant (realized this morning almost out) , a little milk, and some yeast. I also picked up tissues, some granola bars and dish…
  • 50 Lbs is amazing. Do you feel better? I bet you do. Also I bet others can see the difference.
  • I like it in salad dressings. In particular I make one with apple cider vinegar, mustard, vegetable oil, amd a bit of grated shallot it makes a delicious mustard vinaigrette and goes great on a kale salad.
  • Maryland has cancelled all public schools
  • Broadway just shut down till mid April
  • This is 10 to 20 times worse mortality then the flu. How do you feel about 11 to 21 times the normal flu deaths that is what we are looking at. Because flu is still a thing. You can get a flu shot to protect yourself you can not get a covid-19 shot and the vaccine will not be available until 2021 or 2022.
  • Re hotels and Disney if can't get money back yet wait they might decide over next few weeks to start letting people get refunded or change reservations to next year spring break
  • Oh no. Some study says infectious period might be over 14 days
  • I have to say in Maryland Hogan has been doing a great job keeping Maryland informed.
  • I am glad to see that people are starting to take it more seriously in the US.
  • One thing I have told myself is when I look around the gym I am not judging others for being there, I am focused on myself. Other people at the gym are the same way they are not judging you they are focusing on themselves.
  • I just saw on the news Tom Hanks and his wife have both tested positive for Covid-19.
  • Well here in zone 7 my salad greens and radishes are doing good. Inside I have started tomatoes eggplants , peppers . I am super excited about my artichoke seedlings even though they are a long shot. Unseasonably warm but only cold weather crops going to stay outside as still supposed to get into 20s later this week…
  • Explication of mitigation: Right now best knowledge is 80% of people have mild illness 15% have more significant illnesses required some medical care and 5% have very severe life threatening illnesses requiring things like respirators for a few week in order to live. If a metro area only has X respirators and if the whole…
  • Nuts, rice, beans, cheese, butter,
  • My suggestion is to make it a Birthday Day only. Seriously , no need to celebrate all week. Make it 1 day. Eat the slice of cake but don't expand beyond one day. Also Happy Birthday!!
  • Tea also has caffeine and can be addictive
  • Ok so if you are nervous about touching gym equipment I will admit i have been bringing disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer with me. I wipe down stuff before and after i use it. I purell my hands and avoid touching my face. These are prudent cautionary actions. No need to go insane but a tub of wipes in your gym bag may…
  • You know she is going to be a hassle about it. Don't tell her that you lost the weight or at the very least don't start the conversation. You telling her you lost weight is what prompted the how much you weigh question. If you don't want to talk about it with her don't start the conversation. Discuss something else instead.