Thoughts on Beet Juice

Ive seen people say it gives them more energy for their workout and some say it helps with muscle, anyone here drink it?


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    I've been having blood pressure problems recently and one of the alternative ways of getting it down is beet juice, not my most favorite vegetable! Same goes with celery juice, I absolutely hate raw celery so there's no way I'm trying that. Beet juice I may give a go to see if it makes a difference but it'll have a ton of berries in it to hopefully cover the taste.
  • ssorg9
    ssorg9 Posts: 30 Member
    I am a runner and I drink beetroot before my long runs. It appears to help with my oxygen by making my breathing less labored. I enjoy beets which includes juicing them mixed with carrots & apple. I have to be careful with my beet intake as I have had too much in a week which seemed to cause mouth sores.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Kvoss is fermented beet juice it’s good and a great detoxed
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Beets do contain oxylates and can cause some kidney stones to form of overly consuming. But to drink it’s juice may be different I would alternate weeks I was drinking
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Yes, I drink it.
    I drink celery juice because I like it. I don’t eat raw celery because I don’t like it.
    I drink “heartbeet”, a mix of 4 juices, beet, celery, kale, and maybe apple? I like it.
    I don’t know vitamins as well as other people, but beets are supposed to have some vitamin or mineral (I’m thinking either a b vitamin or niacin) that helps relax veins and arteries? Thereby lowering blood pressure. Not sure about any of this, just thinking I remember something like that. Anyway, you can get the same vitamins in other foods or vitamin pills. I just like the taste. I also don’t eat beets because I don’t like them much. But I do like the juice if you cut it with something I have tasted it straight and thought it was overwhelming.
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    I find beets yummy in a smoothie, especially with cherry-chocolate, but then I love nearly all veggies.

    Can't get frozen right now, though, (TJ's had them in the early winter) and those are the simplest to add to a smoothie.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited March 2020
    It's used by endurance athletes for the high levels of nitrates in it, was very popular in professional cycling teams for a while as it can slightly increase sub-maximal cardio performance (I seem to remember 3% being a figure given).

    "Energy for workouts" - needs context, what workouts? If you are looking for a high sugar or stimulent boost then beetroot juice doesn't fit the bill.

    "Helps with muscle" - what does that mean? How? Do you have a source for that?

    Downside is it tastes like pond mud but concentrated shots are easier to tolerate.
    I've used it on Century rides by preloading in the few days up to the event and then a big dose on the day (glugging a pint of juice on the morning of the ride simply isn't fun!).

    Can cause stomach upsets though so try it in training rather than in an event for the first time.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Personally, as a regular person/recreational athlete and not the kind of elite endurance athlete sijomial is talking about, I prefer to get my beet juice inside of actual beets, and - especially - beet greens, which I think are the yummiest greens of all. I've had beet juice and kvass and think both are fine, but the beets are better (more filling, too). All the good nutrition in the beets/greens, plus fiber.

    YMMV if you're more in that elite athlete category, kind of trying to squeeze out that last bit of performance advantage. Even if you're not, maybe experiment and see if you feel differently.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    I don't mind beets, they're definitely not my favorite though. Why is it beets and celery, my only non-loves of the vegetable world, are supposed to be great to drink? Why can't it ever be sweet potatoes, bananas, or apples?
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited March 2020
    I'm not a fan of juicing (I would prefer to consume the whole fruit/veggie for the fiber and nutrients and to fill me up).

    However I make a yummy protein smoothie I call Very Berry which contains raw beets, whatever berries I have on hand, 1/2 banana and other things (pea protein powder, hemp seeds, collagen etc.) It gives me lots of energy and it's yummy. 😋

    I did not like beets at first, but I learned to like it after I kept reading about how it reduces blood pressure and actually saw it working.

    Beet greens are very nutritious too. I do take breaks and rotate my beet intake (along with all veggies/greens) so I don't have them too often.

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,814 Member
    Kvoss is fermented beet juice it’s good and a great detoxed

    Kvass is a nearly non-alcoholic Eastern European drink made with fermented bread. It tastes a bit like a cream soda. There’s no beets in it.

    It’s hugely popular in Ukraine and surrounds, and while it’s quite good, I don’t think it would detox much of anything.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Kvoss is fermented beet juice it’s good and a great detoxed

    Kvass is a nearly non-alcoholic Eastern European drink made with fermented bread. It tastes a bit like a cream soda. There’s no beets in it.

    It’s hugely popular in Ukraine and surrounds, and while it’s quite good, I don’t think it would detox much of anything.

    Bread kvass is definitely a thing, but so is beet kvass.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    I dislike beet juice because it will stain absolutely everything. It is a stain making machine.
    Roasted is how i most like my beets