Lem0nyFresh Member


  • No joke. We've been playing this campaign for like 3 months, people still don't understand/want to do anything for themselves. I'm really considering a meteor shower or some other godly natural disaster to just remove all their characters from the world.
    in D&D Comment by Lem0nyFresh March 2017
  • What kind of support system do you have? Friends, family, co-workers?
  • I haven't made these yet, mostly because I have NO idea aside from Amazon where I would get hemp hearts, but they look tasty as hell and I want to eat them. https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/recipe/peppermint-hemp-fat-fudge/
  • Congrats! There are a ton of resources in this group, but from what I've gleaned from reading here and other resources online, doing occasional carb-ups, hydrating, and adding salt can really help relieve the flu symptoms. HealthfulPursuit.com is a wonderful website that has a ton of recipes, as well as one of the most…
  • I like this guy :D Welcome to the big party! I've only been here a day and I've already learned quite a bit from this group and a couple of others.
  • @kimberwolf71 I stumbled upon healthfulpursuit a few weeks ago (I actually used her pulled pork recipe the other night and it is amazing!). Her videos and podcast, while geared very much toward women on the keto diet, are a wealth of information for anyone!
  • Thanks for the info! I have no idea what ghee is so I'm going to have to research it! I haven't used nut oils aside from the occasional sesame seed oil for stir fry stuff. I made a ton of pulled pork the other day using pork shoulder, so I've been chomping away on that.
  • @pwrfl1 I've been using coconut and olive oil and avocados, but I'm trying to stay away from dairy based products; my wife and I have been off dairy for over a year or so, and whenever I slip up the results are...not pleasant to say the least. @Scochrane86 I'm doing a modified plan to work my way into it: 50% fat, 25%…
  • How are you liking Conan? What are your thoughts on that hog slider in character creation? lmao
  • Howdy! Currently playing Ghost Recon Wildlands on the PC. If you have been on the Ghost Recon Network and are looking for a taskforce, look up Legacy of Tyr!
  • Hello there! I'm Scotty, and right now Ghost Recon Wildlands has a tight grip on me and doesn't want to let go. I'm playing on the PC. If anyone has accessed the Ghost Recon Network, look for the Legacy of Tyr taskforce! Have a great week everyone!
  • Hi everyone! So I started about a week ago, and have been slowly working towards a "full keto" diet. I'll dig into the other posts, but have any of you run into issues meeting your macros for the day, or found yourself trying to find fat or protein full foods with super low carbs to meet your macros?
  • Hi everyone! I started my keto journey about a week ago! Looking forward to learning more from everyone, have a great week!