Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • Jimda92
    Jimda92 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, everyone! I joined MFP back in December, so I'm not really new here. But I sort of fell off the weight loss wagon and lost access to my old account. I'm back now, though. So...

    My name is Jimda, I'm in my 20s and I live in Kentucky. I really like survival horror and single-player RPGs, but I play some MMORPGs as well. Also, when I have the opportunity I play D&D with my brother and a few of his friends.

    My weight loss goal is to lose 125 lbs (57 kg) by Spring of next year, and I'd really like to make some friends here along the way.
  • Lem0nyFresh
    Lem0nyFresh Posts: 14 Member
    Hello there! I'm Scotty, and right now Ghost Recon Wildlands has a tight grip on me and doesn't want to let go. I'm playing on the PC. If anyone has accessed the Ghost Recon Network, look for the Legacy of Tyr taskforce! Have a great week everyone!
  • timmajor90
    timmajor90 Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hey everyone!! Im Tim and im here to play games and lose some weight and make some friends. Im a console man i love playing rpg's and fps. Im currently playing ghost recon wildlands. So yeah.. hiii!!!
  • amberatkinsagain
    amberatkinsagain Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all!

    In my 30's. I like pretty much anything Blizzard (no SC or WoW) - HotS is my favorite right now. I'm excited for Little Nightmares. My SO and I like RPG's and a ton of different board games.

    Looking to lose ~70lbs. I've been on MFP before; I fell off the wagon but jumping back on. Trying to eat less, cut out unnecessary things, and move more. I've met some really cool people on here, looking to meet a few more!
  • PikaJoyJoy
    PikaJoyJoy Posts: 280 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Joy. :)

    I'm a returning MFP user. Had tried out other apps and then took an unplanned break and gained a bunch of weight back, so here to get back on track.

    I'm 34, a long time gamer, avid reader and looking to lose around 100-120lbs while also getting back into strength training.

    A big RP fan (whether tabletop or gaming pc/consoles) and would LARP if I had a group near me (but sadly, I don't).

    Glad to find an active gaming group that's in to getting healthy/fit. :)
  • LiamM902
    LiamM902 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Liam, 21 years old living near Brisbane, Queensland (Australia)! I've been on and off this app for the last 4 or 5 years, but I feel like I've finally got the motivation to get healthier now.

    So I'm a bit of a nerdy gay guy, I'm into PC and PS4 gaming, sci-fi, fantasy, books, TV shows, movies etc. I study biochemistry at University and it is honestly the source of most of my stress.

    Please add me so I don't feel so alone, at the moment I have a couple of friends on here and they only talk about smoothies and gym. Send help.
  • Ksm7767
    Ksm7767 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm Kayla, female. Started at 245, at 230, looked to be 180. I'm mostly into Warframe right now, but I lile Fallout, Diablo, etc etc. Hoping to get more active instead of sitting on the couch all weekend lol. Feel free to add or message me!!
  • timmystick
    timmystick Posts: 19 Member
    I'm Tim, I'm 34, male. I weigh around 135 pounds. I'm not sure what my weightloss goals should be. I also don't know how much weight I have lost as my weight changes after being at work.
    I play different games on PC, console, and mobile. My Steam name is tmlogan29 if anyone wants to add me there.
    I'm also a Star Trek fan and a Marvel fan.
  • BeastToBeautiful
    BeastToBeautiful Posts: 4 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    I am 28 years old, Female Yes and Yes please. MY weight lose goal is to lose 60 pounds, and I am just starting. Only if it is for the horde.
  • lthornton1979
    lthornton1979 Posts: 4 Member

    I enjoy single player games. I played pong with friends in elementary school, graduated to Super Mario and Contra, then Goldeneye (one of my all-time faves). I used to enjoy GTA (I think the last one I played and liked was San Andreas) but moved on to Skyrim, then Witcher 3. I *watch* a lot of ESO and League of Legends (not really interested in playing either).

    Goals: would like to get down to 170-190 lbs (
    How many pounds have you lost? 30 so far, roughly 60-70 more to go
    Walk on the Beach? I would if I lived near one!
  • fredb2269
    fredb2269 Posts: 1 Member
    Who are you!

    -Well I am Freddy


    -I am the ripe age of 25

    Female or male?

    - Male


    -Role play game are something new I'm getting into, i tried with Fallout before and barely made it out the vault, but Mass effect was my successful introduction to RPGs, but I look forward to get into the Dragon age series, and welcome any suggestion.


    -hahaha tbh i had to google this term and don't think that i have played them before.

    What are your weightloss goals?!

    -my weight loss goal it to get in shape, a better one than a circle ba dum tss! No but in all seriousness my goal is to improve my health and feel comfortable with the person that i see in the mirror.

    How many pounds have you lost?

    -overal from my heaviest point I have lost a total of 63 lbs. But since I really started focusing on my health I have lost 29 lbs.

    Walk on the Beach?

    -no because some beaches don't allow dogs. So if my dogs can't go i won't go!!!
  • tgcakef
    tgcakef Posts: 111 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hey there.

    I'm Cake, female, and nearly 30. I'm a PC gamer, mostly playing RPGs. Lately, I've been playing ESO: Morrowind (because war bears), and Heroes of the Storm. I have a bunch of consoles, and a 3DS but I don't care for consoles - I have horrible hand eye coordination - and I don't usually bring my 3DS around. Love board games, but I don't play very often since that requires other people.

    I don't RP, and I don't LARP. I'm not usually big on MMOs but war bears. I don't usually play FPS but I do watch my partner play on the PS4 a lot which is sort of like a movie.

    I'm a fairly big nerd/geek. I like reading, and if it's fiction, it's scifi and/or fantasy. If it's non, it's often something science based. If I watch tv/movies, they tend to be scifi/fantasy/superhero. I've been to PAX Prime twice, and I'm hoping to go again next year.

    For weight loss, I'm hoping to get to 160 lbs. I'm currently 273 lbs. I'm hoping to get there by the summer of 2019. At some point, I want to do a recomp to increase my muscle mass but I'm not sure when. I've lost about 10 lbs so far.

    I'm not a big walking on the beach fan; I don't care for the outdoors or beaches.
  • xXSnafuXx
    xXSnafuXx Posts: 14 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    In games yes
    No LARP
    Weight loss goals...a lot.. spread out into mini goals.
    Lost 4 pounds before getting on MFP
    Walk on walls.
  • DanielleFayeS
    DanielleFayeS Posts: 1,981 Member
    Name's Danielle

    I like CRPGs

    Nah, I don't LARP. Well I used to do a "pirate reenactment" group but they kind of fizzled.

    I'd like to lose 30 pounds by Easter. I'm currently at 195lbs - 5'10" tall.

    I'm in a huge stall with weight loss. I've been gaining quite a bit of muscle, which is nice. But I gotta admit that I've been relying on my height and "carrying my weight well" as an excuse to be complacent. I am trying to be more honest with myself and admit not carrying 190+ well

    I do like the beach, I've been trying to get more fit because I've been trying to take up scuba diving.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Hey I'm Sara aka RamboKitty, I'm 30, female, 5'4", Starting weight: 308lbs Current weight: 208, Goal weight is to be between 120lbs - 140lbs, Not RP'd for a long time but used to, Don't think I have ever LARP'd unless you count RP'ing in full costume on secondlife lol, Last time I walked on the beach was 5 years ago unless you count in games or secondlife :smiley: Anyway used to play WoW a lot but lost interest after Legion came out, personally felt it was a huge let down, played ESO but lost interest after I felt it was too money mad, I do enjoy Star Trek online fro time to time and black desert online, I love gaming but usually game alone so it gets boring, I've had to cut back on gaming a lot due to changing my lifestyle to a more healthier one, I've played so many games over the years though I'm currently in search of a game that keeps my interest for more than a few hours haha Oh I forgot to mention I mainly game via Steam these days B)
  • ladyamethyst93
    ladyamethyst93 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm Rachel, female, 24. Most of the time I like to be on secondlife roleplaying, but I've also rped in mmos like WoW, Neverwinter, etc. I have larped one time before, it was Vampire the Masquerade. I only got to play one night and it was fun, just haven't ever had the chance to larp again. Right now I'd like to get down to around 250, I'm currently over 300, which I never have been, even when I was pregnant I was under 250. I haven't really lost much weight yet, as I've just started trying to get serious about losing weight a few days ago. I recently bought the Legion expansion for wow so I've been playing that, but I'm trying to count calories now with MFP and also get in some exercise everyday using wit fiit and just dance for the wii.
  • ChozoSpectre
    ChozoSpectre Posts: 19 Member
    Hai I'm Reina :D 26 female, SW: 230 CW: .... 225 xD GW: 150. I lost 50# a few years ago and during nursing school I gained it all back TT_TT RP? Used to allll the time, but not lately. LARP? No, but i would love to try! I also would love to cosplay once I'm back in shape :// Anyway my forte is video games + anime ;D I play most games but not many multiplayers. League is one of the few multis I play haha. Anyways, feel free to add! Would love to have more nerdy friends :D
  • RLBansonNoond1990
    RLBansonNoond1990 Posts: 29 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Hello Everyone!

    I'm Robyn, I'm 27 years old, Female, and I'm married to my partner of 9 years -with 4 fur-babies (3 Dogs and 1 Cat).
    I work for the NHS and absolutley love my job!

    I'm 5'2" and 92.2kg and I'm just starting out on my journey! My first goal is to get down to 70kg (at my lowest weight I was 60kg). Then see were I want to go from there.

    I'm into RP/RPG's - love any sort of sandbox type RPGs. I also used to play D&D with a group of friends before I moved away, that was always fun and hilarious!

    Never tried LARP but know people who do. I think if I was less anxious/socially awkward I might give it a go!

    So, hello! And feel free to add me if you want to share motivation! :smile:

  • Hey everyone, I'm Amanda from Olympia, Washington. I'm 30, female, married with no kids. I'm a PC gamer mostly, but also enjoy console and mobile games. Big fan of cards/board game nights. My husband is trying to get me into D&D.....we'll see haha. Anyone who plays Guild Wars 2, WoW, Wildstar, Brutal Age or Battle Block Theater, hit me up!

    My goal is to lose 65 pounds and get down to 180. I've lost 17 pounds so far!

  • Russian_Wren
    Russian_Wren Posts: 12 Member
    I’m Lauren, and I adore cartoons with catchy musical numbers, syfy and, binge reading books and playing with my 2 rats. I love Dragon Age and Horizon but am currently working on Origins. I am 6’0 and 280. I love LARP but my nearest group shut down last summer.
    I love adding new people to my friend list.
  • FloridaGirl8o
    FloridaGirl8o Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Amanda, I'm 37 years old from Florida. Been a gamer in some way or another my whole life. Which is maybe partly why I'm here lol. My main gaming is online or on ps4, mainly RPG's. My goal is to lose about 90lbs, quite a way to go but I've done it before. Right now my fav's are Crusaders of Light online and The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt on ps4. I live in Florida so deff love the beach and amusement parks.
  • ZRunner5Lulaica
    ZRunner5Lulaica Posts: 168 Member
    Hello all. I'm Lulaica (or just Lula), a 29 year old daycare teacher living in Houston with her hubby and two cats (Willow and Indie). I'm primarily a PC gamer who casually plays MMOs (ESO is my current jam, but LOTRO is my love). I also play a number of tabletop games with friends and am part of a RPG group that my hubby DMs (we just started Starfinder). I also have somewhat taken up miniature painting and am waiting on a big shipment of Kickstarter minis for our current game.

    My goal is to lose around 25-30 pounds over the next year so I can be in better shape when we start adding kids to our little nerddom.
  • Tedo201
    Tedo201 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi All, I'm Ted 36 y/o from California. Old Guard Gamer. I'm playing mostly overwatch, dead cells, darkest dungeon, they are billions and VR Games. I'm 10 lbs from my first goal and have just started working out again after a year and a half relapse.
  • UnicornSmoothie
    UnicornSmoothie Posts: 20 Member
    Who are you!


    Female or male?

    Yes. I prefer RPGs and MMOs to almost every other type of game. I play PC primarily, but I am a member of a D&D group and occasionally dip into DMing. Right now, though, I spend basically all of my free time in WoW, gearing up for BfA.

    I have in the past, but the opportunity hasn't come up lately.

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    I've got like... 175 pounds to lose still? I also want to start lifting sometime, but I haven't really sorted that plan out yet.

    How many pounds have you lost?
    15 so far, and going pretty steadily downward.

    Walk on the Beach?
    I would if there was one close. Alas, there is not.
  • andreascjonsson
    andreascjonsson Posts: 433 Member
    Andreas 26 and Male

    I have played alot of DnD in the past and enjoy almost all RPGs and tried alot of MMOs 2.

    Never LARPed, would like to try it sometime though.

    I dont have a weightloss goal since i think weight is an ineffective way to measure your body. What i do have is a BF % goal, wich is 12%. Im currently sitting at 19% BF

    I have lost about 33 lbs so far
  • myraara
    myraara Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm Myranda, or as my username says, Myraara. I only really play FPS games, mostly CS:GO or Overwatch. But I've dabbled in other games, like Fortnite & WoW. I'm a full-time momma so I don't have a lot of time to game unfortunately!
  • krawlinmedic
    krawlinmedic Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there I'm Bill, I am a prison nurse in Northern California. I'm 38, I do RP but on WoW. For the Horde!! I am married to my understanding wife, and I have 3 amazing kids, 2 boys and my princess. I've always wanted to go to a LARP event because it looks badass and fun as hell. Love anime, cartoons, and all that jazz. I am teaching myself how to create games with my oldest son, and we are hoping to make a VR game in the next year or so. As for my weight, I am 450 lbs just started yesterday on MFP so no weight loss yet, but I am positive I can do it with all the help available on here.
  • infinicca
    infinicca Posts: 869 Member
    edited May 2018
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Age: 39
    F/M: F
    RP: I used to tabletop D&D, been a long time. I currently play WoW and Overwatch, mostly. I'm always a ranged class, caster (sorceror/wizard or mage, or healer).
    LARP: no
    Weight loss goal: 40 lbs
    Lost: 2. I just came back to MFP after stepping away for some time following an illness, and I'm getting back into tracking and exercising again. I'm also starting Nerd Fitness coaching and I'm in the Whovian Running Club, Hogwarts Running Club, and NF Rising Heroes.
    Walk: sure? I'd rather swim, though. I burn easily. :wink:

    p.s. looking for friends, so, friend me! It's dangerous to go alone.
  • amaterasu451
    amaterasu451 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Samantha. I'm 28 and married. I've been playing video games ever since I was like 4 on an old PC that still had a B: drive for those giant floppy disks. When it comes to games, I generally prefer RPGs, particularly the Suikoden series. If anyone is ever on any of those forums, I'm Flare. Lately I've been playing Skyrim (yes, still) and Pokémon: UltraSun, in addition to Pokémon Go. I've always been more of a console gamer than a PC gamer. I currently have a PS4 (Amaterasu451 if you wanna add me), 3DS, and a Switch when it comes to current gen systems.

    If anyone's into tabletop stuff, my friend has her own company where she makes games. It's called Weird Giraffe Games and you should totally check it out. She's got Super Hack Override out right now, Stellar Leap coming soon, and Fire in the Library in the works. There's another one she's working on now, but I don't remember what it's called. She's going to be at Origins, so check out her booth!

    When it comes to weight loss, I'm trying to lose about 15 pounds or so. Growing up, I was the skinny kid with the great metabolism that let me eat whatever I wanted and didn't have to worry about it. Flash forward to now, and I've gained quite a bit. Since high school (granted, that was about 11 years ago now...) I've gained about 45 pounds, most of it around my abdomen. It's to the point where people always ask me if I'm pregnant and apparently were never taught that you don't ask someone that. Anyway, I'm trying to change and get back to where I want to be/used to be. I know it's there, I just need to get to it.
  • hippysprout
    hippysprout Posts: 1,446 Member
    I'm Joy, 42, single, female, and a player of the video games.

    My preferred platform is PC, but I've been seen on everything from an original gameboy to an Atari 2600 to a PS4 and pretty much everything in between. I love to collect vintage consoles and games, but I'm not quite geeky enough to store them in display cases and protective covers. Yes. I play my Sega. My favorite franchises come from Bethesda, but my genuine weakness is WoW. Blood Elf, Marksman Hunter main, Tauren, Guardian Druid secondary (both of which I rock), plus a 110 of pretty much every other class that I play with mediocrity. (Currently on wowcation for sanity sake). <3 cosplay!

    Weight loss... well the thing here is, I didn't come here specifically to lose weight. I mean obvs I need to, but I came here to get healthier and weight loss is just one part of that. I've tried it before and failed, but after several tries and contemplation periods, I finally know why I failed: I put time limits on myself and used the term "goal" a lot. From the start, it was SO tough, challenging and eventually unsustainable. This time, there is no unrealistic time frame. I'm just going to do a little better, every day, until forever. I don't feel pressured this time, I don't feel like I'm under the gun. I'm confident that this time, I'm done failing. I've lost 26 of my 133 pound overage so far, and more importantly, I feel better - fewer aches and pains, more flexibility, a healthy fasting blood sugar. I'm all in.

    Not a fan of walking on the beach, I'd rather jetski on the ocean instead :p

    - Yoga
    - Lifting heavy things
    - Elliptical for working that all important heart muscle