Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • HayleyHat
    23 year old gamer, here - well, when I manage to fit it in around my daughter and work! I love RPGs, particularly fantasy. I'm a huge, long time fan of the Elder Scrolls games. I also love the Thief games, Baldur's Gate, Fable, and the likes.
    I used to spend a lot of my free time modding for TES games and Baldur's Gate. I don't really get the chance these days, but I'd like to get back into that.

    Usually I'm a PC gamer, but for convenience have found myself using my other half's PS3 for this last year of Skyrim!
  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all. I'm a 33 year old gamer...yes I've been gaming since the original NES and Atari :tongue: I started losing weight on a different site in August starting at 255 and jumped to MFP this week because it has a lot more active posters. I'm down to 239 now from 242 earlier this week so I think MFP is helping.

    My tastes in games cover a wide range. When I have time I love RPGs like Reckoning, and FPS-RPGs like Borderlands. I also play Halo, Skyrim, and some car racing games, i.e. Need for Speed. I play mostly on XBox but have some PS3 games as well. My gamertag is Dalavar Wolfe on both consoles if you see me online.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    36 yr old female gamer - been since the Atari & Sega Master System. At one or another, I think I've owned all the major game consoles and once was a PC gamer as well. As to weight loss - 62-65 lbs into things (6 months or so). Still got a chunk left to go.

    Currently my main console - 360 (gamertag = Lazria). Have a PS3 but only 5 games and the hubby uses it for the 3D & internet. Working on scoring me another PS2 so I can play my old games. Had a Wii - but sold it. Honestly as much as I loved it, I can't afford to buy games across so many platforms. I gave up PC gaming when I couldn't afford to keep the PC maxed out for best preformance.

    Games - RPG are the favs. Currently still chugging thru another game of Skyrim, finishing DA (entire damn series) and drooling over Dishonored (not bought yet). I also enjoy horror / pyscho thrillers (Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, etc) and weirdo games (Katamari, Animal Crossing, Viva Pinta, etc). I also like games like Need for Speed, F.E.A.R, Overlord, Grand Theft Auto, and such. Hate to say it, but I suck at games like Halo, CoD, MG and the such. Don't know why.... blarg.
  • goffley3
    goffley3 Posts: 68 Member
    Name is George, from MA. Started MFP at 246 lbs now down to 226 looking to keep going to 160. Avid single player gamer, love stories and the characters that keep them going. Don't have a whole lot of time for gaming these days but getting back into it again. Love Xbox Games, big fan of PlayStation games. HUGE sucker for Pokemon games. Favorite game to this day is Ocarina of Time, a very very close second would be the Mass Effect series.

    One of my big goals is getting below 200 lbs, once I do I'm rewarding myself with a Master Sword/Hylian Shield Tattoo for my forearm!!!!
  • Xarina
    Xarina Posts: 25 Member
    Anna, 24 years old from Sweden just moved to the US and got married. 5'3 SW: 273, CW: 266 GW: First goal under 165 (ultimate goal around 140).

    I love all kinds of different games, mainly for PC. Some All time favorites are: Unreal Tournament 2004, Flatout, Counter Strike, Oblivion, Perfect World International, Battlefield, Need for Speed, Grand theft Auto, The sims (3). I think that's most of the ones I remember. Currently I'm only playing World of Warcraft. Sometimes I try some console games, I really like Persona 3 & 4 on PSP and Playstation 2. I really want to get Skyrim eventually. I'm getting more into trying console games, but PC will always have my favorites. I've actually gone further away from cars and FPS games and more towards RPG games.
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 32 years old, from the UK, and recently a WoW quitter, after years and years... (sigh) I'm a PC gamer for the most, although at the moment I can't seem to get into anything new. Old Total War games and a bit of Skyrim is all I'm playing right now.

    I'm recovering from several years of low mood, bad health, eating disorder relapses and weight gain. I've lost c. 50lb this year, but still have quite a bit to go, too. Also dumped cigarettes and started exercising, and playing less is part of my "healthy life" thing, too; so no more mmo's for me. Still, games good.
  • momo0884
    Morgan from AZ. 28 years old. Love FPS...more specifically Halo. 5'3" 172lbs...looking to be closer to 125lbs but all in time. Have three kids, work full time, but try to spend at least a little bit of my evenings when the kids have gone to sleep playing some type of game.
  • tisonc
    tisonc Posts: 58
    Wow I did all my typing in the Locked Forum how DUH oh me!!

    Anyway, I was saying, My name is Chris and I am a 43yo Single Father. I am working in Afghanistan 2 months on 2 months off and I play WoW as much as I can when I am home and have my kids (when they are sleeping mainly) .

    I am living in Augusta, GA and I am Very happy I found this group!

    I am looking to make friends not only here but hopefully in my local area AUGUSTA, Georgia

    If anyone is interested feel free to send me an invite!!

    I look forward to chatting with you all and making some new friends!!

  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm Steph, 25 and live in England. Love playing games. Own a PS3, Xbox and a pretty decent PC. Wide selection of games on all.

    Playing games is a great escape for me. I suffer from depression (although it's been getting a bit better lately), and also social anxiety disorder (which stops me talking to other gamers on any platform, but hey-ho) A good game with friends always helps put me in a better mood. I've posted all my IDs and the games in the other thread.

    I've only recently started my weight-loss journey, but it's going well so far. A bit less time for gaming during the day but that's probably a good thing! I'm unemployed though so I'm online a lot.
  • minato1985
    I'm Jason, 26 years old and live in Indiana. Starting weight: 336 now down to 326. Big console gamer that plays a bit of PC games. My genre of choice if RPGs. Favorites include the Final Fantasy series (7-13), Xenosaga, Persona series (3&4), and a few miscellaneous ones such as Legend of Dragoon and Eternal Sonata. Currently playing World of Warcraft on PC and Final Fantasy VII on my phone.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hi! I'm a 31 year old nerd. My favorite video games are generally RPG (Lunar, American McGee's Alice, Starfox), but I'm currently playing through the Mass Effect games and think I'm in love! (FEMSHEP FOR TEH WIN!) I also recently played a Japanese dating sim called Katawa Shoujo. It was so sweet and I'm looking for more to play.

    I've been table-top RPG'ing for almost two decades now and am a huge, huge fan of science fiction (Babylon 5 anyone???) and fantasy. Anime is a thing I love dearly and I love looking at cosplay photos. Fave nerd books are the Dragonlance series and the Harry Dresden Files.

    I should come clean, though - the only reason I read the LOTR books was because I couldn't wait after the second movie to see if they'd be okay!

    It's so awesome to find fellow nerds here!
  • gcadays99
    Hell I'm 32 from Nebraska and just started my weight loss a couple weeks ago and down 14 lbs. I've been gaming for years and spending too much time on MMO's is probably what got me here lol. While I don't play MMO's any more I still play a good amount of League of Legends. TSM!!! lol Anyways look forward to reading some great success stories from you all. Feel free to add me.
  • bellydancer124
    I didn't know there was a group!!! Why were you holding out on me? :tongue:

    My name is Mel, I'm female (most of the time), I'm 33 years old.

    My favorite games are MMOs. I'm currently playing EQ2, which I have been playing for years and quit twice. I just keep getting sucked back in! lol. I don't know if anyone else plays, since it seems almost everyone else plays WoW (which is surprisingly one of the few MMOs that I haven't tried! lol)

    The console game (I have an Xbox360) I'm currently playing is Borderlands 2.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Female, 39 from US

    we have the Wii, PS3, Xbox Kinnect, and a PC for gaming.

    I usually play on the PC, but play party games on the Wii, and Xbox.

    I have been around since Atari, never really got into it, we had a Vetrex when Atari was cool...I always died playing Oregon Trail on the C64. Never really played video games until PacMan and Donkey Kong and Street Fighter. Played PnP games....favorite was Paladium.

    When the internet came out in college and you could telnet into M*CKs and the like I got severly addicted to role playing on I had to break my computer addiction. Never got into video games, wanted to play WoW but knew it would be dangerous for me.

    Met my hubby, and he introduced me to games again in 2005. Baulders Gate series on the PS2, and Champions of Norath....ah, the good times having all the guys over for a gamer's weekend. then DA:O came out....I marathoned 52 hours straight to finish that game on the PS3 before I had to leave town for three weeks for work.....obsessed about it while out in the field so found a store that had a PC copy and went to buy it...then bought my own laptop for gaming and started buying more titles.....

    I am embarassed to admit I even wrote fanfiction.

    I was super obsessed for a while, and have toned it down....and actually have a life again after being game obsessed for a year or so (maybe becuase I hated my job so much). But now that I like my job I play much less often, but still probably more than is good for me.
  • thebutteredtoast
    Hey all, new to the group.

    I'm a 22 year old female college student. I'm currently majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology.

    I'm currently 169lbs, trying to get down to 120. I'm 5'4" and I'm a gamer. I have a PSN but since I don't have a PS3 it's kinda pointless. Just use it for my PSP (le gasp). I am an xbox gamer and I'm pretty much on all the time (oh the joys of being unemployed and taking college classes online this semester). I'm into all sorts of games: Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Borderlands (just recently got the first one and have yet to finish it) Deus Ex: Human Revolution - just to name a few. My newest vice seems to be Fallout: New Vegas - got it for my birthday. If ya'll want to add me on Xbox, just shoot me a message and I'll give you my gamertag. I like to know who has it and who doesn't. ;)
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    Hi all,

    Girl from Mass, 34, new to group. Wow player with the occasional Guitar Hero or Need for Speed thrown in. Have played LOTRO, Guild Wars, and SW MMO as well. Also into fantasy/sci-fi, and anime.

    Looking to lose about 30 pounds. Exercise is more of my downfall. After getting home from work the last thing I want to do is work out, so this is always a challenge. As for calories, I do fairly well during the day but always want the late night snack :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Could use the extra encouragement during those raiding nights when I am reaching for a bag of chips!
  • xleesha
    xleesha Posts: 8 Member
    I'm so excited to find other gamers on here!! I'm Alicia / illyria. I'm 25 and live in Australia in the middle of nowhere. I'm waiting on starting a Master Trainer Course early next year, and am just doing small jobs to get by at the moment.

    Gaming - I'm addicted to gaming. I love my xbox and play mostly FPS online. I play competitive CoD and will be travelling interstate for some LANS next year. I have a large Halo/CoD gaming/book/collectible collection which takes up far too much room. There is a Wii in my household but I mainly use it for WiiFit and Mario. I also play WoW a bit but havent got the latest expansion as I am le poor :P

    Fitness - I was a really active child/ teenager until I was hospitalized for DVTs. I couldnt exercise for ages and when I finally could it was depressing to accept my level of unhealthiness so I tried to just ignore it. I've gone from just under 200lbs/90kgs (November last year) to about 161lbs/73kgs currently. I'm looking to get to about 145lbs/66kgs in weight loss. I love the idea of 'clean eating' and paleo and working towards a better percentage of that in my diet.

    and thats my life story :D
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    Greetings everyone. 24 year old dude here. I basically grew up playing video games (Sega, PS1, PS2, and mainly PC games). For PC games, I played Ragnarok Online, Diablo 1/2/3, Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft, Dead Island, Counter Strike, League of Legends, DotA, and Torchlight 2... so, basically RPG/FPS games. At the moment, I haven't been playing much due to starting a new job and taking my exercise/diet more seriously. Though, if I do get back into games it will most likely be when Diablo 3 is actually enjoyable to play.

    I've been overweight/obese since I was a child, but I finally did something about it after I graduated from college. I've gone from ~260 pounds (Oct '10) to as low as ~163.5 pounds (Fall '12), though I shot back up to 178 pounds over the past summer and am currently at ~172 pounds. My goal is to cut down to 140 pounds, and then go through the never-ending cycle of bulking and cutting until I feel that my body is where it should be.

    I've been itching to play an MMORPG, but Diablo 3's failure crushed my gaming soul. Also, I honestly don't know if I have the time to play video games anymore. Oh well.
  • JustasiaS
    JustasiaS Posts: 16 Member
    Greetings! I'm 29 years old and I've been a gamer since Super NES. Super Mario World is one of my favorite games ever. Presently I can be found on my Xbox 360 (gamertag GrouchyHealer68) playing Silent Hill: Homecoming and Dance Central. I have hopes of playing Dante's Inferno and Devil May Cry soon. I also have hopes of finishing American McGee's Alice and starting Alice: Madness Returns. I'm not sure it counts for this but I also play Spore regularly.

    Currently I'm looking to lost about 50 lbs. Eating and calories aren't really an issue. I keep a fairly low grease, low calorie diet. My problem is actually exercising. I just don't like to do it, but I'm trying to find ways to get motivated and stay motivated.
  • Maggie9481
    Hi! I'm 31 years old and I live in Northern Virginia. I've been a gamer since the late days of the Atari, and still have a soft spot in my heart for the SNES. I adore the Mass Effect series and when I want some more relaxed gaming I pick up the LEGO series. Otherwise I'm all over the map. Add me! On here and on Xbox: CaptMaggie PS3: Sack-o-doorknobs.

    I'm looking to lose 10-20 pounds, but overall my goal is to simply be more fit and improve my endurance. I've begun working with a personal trainer at my gym, since I felt lost among all the machines, and so far it has been great. I'm really looking forward to seeing results. MFP has been useful when it comes to tracking food and some exercise. Hoping to add more people on here for encouragement!