I have a digital - I would highly recommend one vs the needled ones. I think mine is a Bauer? (spelling)
i started weight lifting about 2 years ago - it has changed everything. I'm glad you're going! pick up some weights and you will see the difference :) feel free to friend request me so you have some accountability with your exercise logs!
i'm the same way... it just isn't the same as the richness and smooth taste with creamer. BUT... I have found that using the sugar free is way more tolerable than i thought - or you could go with a sugar free flavored syrup to add to your coffee and use almond milk or coconut milk instead of a heavier cream
add me too :) though my blaze has been acting crazy lately - freezing and lagging. Any suggestions on this? I can't turn it off either. i'm totally out of ideas
people that don't re-rack their weights, don't wipe down the bench, drive slow in the left lane, (welcome to Florida), and when people chew loudly.
i say go with a spin class if you have one available in your area!! lol holy moly! They are insane and burn so much!
I watch my carbs, because for me, eating whatever I want got me here lol. even if i stayed within in calorie range, sugars and high carb foods affected my weight dramatically. I'd go low carb and see if it makes a difference for you. I focus on proteins and veggies. I do a lot of weight lifting too, so i have to…
The easiest thing I gave up was pasta and bread. I decided to go low (almost NO) carb, and within a matter of just a few days, it had no appeal to me whatsoever. I was so surprised at how easy it was to go without it, and still feel like I was making meals that my son and I could really enjoy!
I'm in too :)