jehramsey Member


  • The weird amounts are when I make a casserole or soup. MFP lets me make create meals. I can make soup and eat it over 3 or 4 day period and when I go to divide it up that's the way it adds it to my diary. When I do make my meals I write everything down and what I have vs. what MFP has is usually fairly accurate. Ive seen…
  • Oh I can definitely tell you on hiking days I eat a lot. Trail mix, high cal protein bars, fruit, and freeze dried meals when I overnight. It's just too hard to keep up with the cals on those days. Throughout the week when I'm doing my normal routine I eat around 1450.
  • When I originally started my weight loss journey a little over 2 years ago I walked and done a low fat diet. I walked an average of 5 miles a day. The first year I lost 80lbs. For starting out you are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • Same here. I've lost 80lbs and feel great except I can't get rid of my stomach. If I wear a dress I look pregnant. I'm working on though.
  • Actually, I've never heard of this. I'm definitely going to look into this. Thanks! Good luck to you on your journey too!
  • My cheat days involve only 1 bad meal and it's not like I go out and eat fast food. I may have a steak or pasta etc. The rest of my food I eat on that day is what I usually eat throughout the week just not weighed out or in excessive amounts. I just like to have a day where I don't weigh everything. Your example about the…
    in HELP. Comment by jehramsey August 2017
  • I'm not over the hill but I do a lot of hiking. (Hiked about 400 miles this year) I love It! The first of October I'm actually doing a 160 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail and Benton Mackaye Trail in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Plan on taking 13 days.
  • I did back in December. It was suggested to me that my body is probably tired of being healthy and working out all the time. I went a full month ate what I wanted and did not work out. I gained about 4lbs. After that other people suggested doing the keto diet. So during my off month I researched and got my macros for that…
    in HELP. Comment by jehramsey August 2017
  • I, thankfully, do not sleep eat. I did use to be an emotional eater and I still fight the urge to eat when I'm mad or stressed. Only meds I am on is a low dose birth control. I've been on this for 7 years so i don't think it is the problem since I started my weight loss just a little over 2 years ago. I see my doctor for a…
    in HELP. Comment by jehramsey August 2017
  • Everything gets weighed. I may lick the spoon after cooking that doesn't get counted but that's it. I don't see a fluctuation after my "cheat days" but after a hiking day I'm usually about 5lbs. heavier but it comes off within a couple of days. I figure that gain is from not getting enough water throughout the hike.
    in HELP. Comment by jehramsey August 2017
  • MFP shows 1447. and the calculators that you can find on the internet average from 1440-1500 that I've seen for my height and weight so I'm usually within that range. I have "cheat days" where I don't weigh or measure anything. I don't over do it and eat junk food all day or anything like that. It just gives me a break…
    in HELP. Comment by jehramsey August 2017
  • Yes, I weigh everything with my digital food scale.
    in HELP. Comment by jehramsey August 2017