So I'm new to this...but here goes
I started my weightless journey a little over 2 years ago. Since then, I've lost 80lbs. Go Me! The only downside with this is that I've not lost anything since October 2016. I've tried numerous diets and exercises that people have suggested and nothing has helped. I lost my first 80lbs. by walking and eating healthy. So the last 2 months I've been going to the gym for weight training and higher intensity cardio. I go 4 to 6 times a week faithfully. I'm not budging on the scale or measurements. Nothing is changing at all. What am I doing wrong?
○ I'm currently at 158lbs. and would like to get around 145lbs.
○ I consume around 1450 cals a day.
○ Monday & Thursday are upper body/abs
○ Tuesday & Friday are leg days
○ Wednesday & Saturday cardio
○ Sunday is a rest day
Any suggestions?? My diary is public


  • CaloricCountess
    CaloricCountess Posts: 202 Member
    Are you, using a food scale? As you get rid of excess weight, the amount of calories; you must consume & how much weight you're able to get rid of, decreases as well; meaning there isn't as much room for error now!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    How are you measuring your calorie intake?
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    edited August 2017
    Yes, I weigh everything with my digital food scale.
  • rdix333
    rdix333 Posts: 111 Member
    edited August 2017
    Whats MFP say your calorie intake should be?
    Kudo's on the 80-pound loss. Great job.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Honestly, your food diary looks pretty good. What happens on days you haven't logged? I wouldn't expect 3 out of 30 days to stall you this badly, but it might be worth considering.
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    rdix333 wrote: »
    Whats MFP say your calorie intake should be?
    Kudo's on the 80-pound loss. Great job.

    MFP shows 1447. and the calculators that you can find on the internet average from 1440-1500 that I've seen for my height and weight so I'm usually within that range.
    Honestly, your food diary looks pretty good. What happens on days you haven't logged? I wouldn't expect 3 out of 30 days to stall you this badly, but it might be worth considering.

    I have "cheat days" where I don't weigh or measure anything. I don't over do it and eat junk food all day or anything like that. It just gives me a break from weighing everything. Most of the time on those days I'm eating the same foods I do throughout the week.
    Also, on some of those blank days I hike. When I say hike I average about 14-20 miles and I usually burn between 4000 - 6000 calories. So trying to keep up with food on those days are impossible.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    edited August 2017
    Is it possible that you're just already at the weight that you need to be? If you're not losing, conventional wisdom would say that means that you're in maintenance overall. Not saying that it's the most likely, as you seem to be pretty good for logging on the days that you do so, but are you perhaps subconsciously eating a bite here or there that isn't making it through to your log? With such little weight to lose, you're margin for error has got to be razor thin. Even on those days that you hike, you may be eating more than you think, bringing you back to maintenance in the long term? Do you notice any fluctuations in scale weight throughout the month or after heavy hike or higher than normal food days?

    So, I went back over your diary for August. Averaging out all of the days that you logged more than one meal, you're intake is about ~ 1527, so not that far off of your goal and that doesn't include any adjustments for exercise. You *should* be losing, although slowly, on that intake after you subtract exercise if your goal is ~1450.

    IMO, outside of a medical issue, you're probably consuming more than you realize on your non-logging days :/.
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    DamieBird wrote: »
    Is it possible that you're just already at the weight that you need to be? If you're not losing, conventional wisdom would say that means that you're in maintenance overall. Not saying that it's the most likely, as you seem to be pretty good for logging on the days that you do so, but are you perhaps subconsciously eating a bite here or there that isn't making it through to your log? With such little weight to lose, you're margin for error has got to be razor thin. Even on those days that you hike, you may be eating more than you think, bringing you back to maintenance in the long term? Do you notice any fluctuations in scale weight throughout the month or after heavy hike or higher than normal food days?

    Everything gets weighed. I may lick the spoon after cooking that doesn't get counted but that's it.
    I don't see a fluctuation after my "cheat days" but after a hiking day I'm usually about 5lbs. heavier but it comes off within a couple of days. I figure that gain is from not getting enough water throughout the hike.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    I edited my last post, but didn't finish until after your response above.

    The 5lbs could be inflammation or water weight after the hikes if it goes down in the next few days. It's tough to say. Your numbers *should* be having you lose weight if your measuring is accurate (and it looks like it is). Are you on any medication or anything that could be interfering with loss? My ex used to sleep eat and couldn't figure out why he was gaining weight until he could never remember eating *his* ice cream, even though the containers are always empty.
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    DamieBird wrote: »
    I edited my last post, but didn't finish until after your response above.

    The 5lbs could be inflammation or water weight after the hikes if it goes down in the next few days. It's tough to say. Your numbers *should* be having you lose weight if your measuring is accurate (and it looks like it is). Are you on any medication or anything that could be interfering with loss? My ex used to sleep eat and couldn't figure out why he was gaining weight until he could never remember eating *his* ice cream, even though the containers are always empty.

    I, thankfully, do not sleep eat. I did use to be an emotional eater and I still fight the urge to eat when I'm mad or stressed.
    Only meds I am on is a low dose birth control. I've been on this for 7 years so i don't think it is the problem since I started my weight loss just a little over 2 years ago.
    I see my doctor for a wellness check once a year and everything is always in range with my blood work and she doesn't seem concerned at all that I'm not losing anymore weight.
    I also can say that a lot of the weight is still in my stomach area.
  • laurabadams
    laurabadams Posts: 201 Member
    Have you ever taken a diet break?
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    jospen83 wrote: »
    Have you ever taken a diet break?

    I did back in December. It was suggested to me that my body is probably tired of being healthy and working out all the time. I went a full month ate what I wanted and did not work out. I gained about 4lbs. After that other people suggested doing the keto diet. So during my off month I researched and got my macros for that diet etc. I started the keto. I made it 2 months and gave up because hiking 16 miles a day on the keto is suicide. I had no energy at all. During the 2 months I did not weigh myself because I was told not to go by the scale but when I finally did weigh I had gained 12lbs. and my measurements were up. Since then I've worked hard and got back to where I was before December.
  • CaloricCountess
    CaloricCountess Posts: 202 Member
    edited August 2017
    jehramsey wrote: »
    rdix333 wrote: »
    Whats MFP say your calorie intake should be?
    Kudo's on the 80-pound loss. Great job.

    MFP shows 1447. and the calculators that you can find on the internet average from 1440-1500 that I've seen for my height and weight so I'm usually within that range.
    Honestly, your food diary looks pretty good. What happens on days you haven't logged? I wouldn't expect 3 out of 30 days to stall you this badly, but it might be worth considering.

    I have "cheat days" where I don't weigh or measure anything. I don't over do it and eat junk food all day or anything like that. It just gives me a break from weighing everything. Most of the time on those days I'm eating the same foods I do throughout the week.
    Also, on some of those blank days I hike. When I say hike I average about 14-20 miles and I usually burn between 4000 - 6000 calories. So trying to keep up with food on those days are impossible.

    This seems to be, the problem! How about having cheat meals, instead of days? Also do your cheat days consist of items that you consume when you aren't cheating but just with excess when you're, that you've weighed prior to know approximately how many calories; a portion might contain? For instance I found that a Hot Pocket after being weighed, was nearly twice the amount of calories than the package claimed; it should be! If I just ate this as a cheat meal & never as a routine meal, I'd have never known because I'd never've weighted it! So if you only consume tacos when you cheat, just weigh them the 1st time; so that you're guesstimate's relative to reality!
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    jehramsey wrote: »
    rdix333 wrote: »
    Whats MFP say your calorie intake should be?
    Kudo's on the 80-pound loss. Great job.

    MFP shows 1447. and the calculators that you can find on the internet average from 1440-1500 that I've seen for my height and weight so I'm usually within that range.
    Honestly, your food diary looks pretty good. What happens on days you haven't logged? I wouldn't expect 3 out of 30 days to stall you this badly, but it might be worth considering.

    I have "cheat days" where I don't weigh or measure anything. I don't over do it and eat junk food all day or anything like that. It just gives me a break from weighing everything. Most of the time on those days I'm eating the same foods I do throughout the week.
    Also, on some of those blank days I hike. When I say hike I average about 14-20 miles and I usually burn between 4000 - 6000 calories. So trying to keep up with food on those days are impossible.

    This seems to be, the problem! How about having cheat meals, instead of days? Also do your cheat days consist of items that you consume when you aren't cheating but just with excess when you're, that you've weighed prior to know approximately how many calories; a portion might contain? For instance I found that a Hot Pocket after being weighed, was nearly twice the amount of calories than the package claimed; it should be! If I just ate this as a cheat meal & never as a routine meal, I'd have never known because I'd never've weighted it!

    My cheat days involve only 1 bad meal and it's not like I go out and eat fast food. I may have a steak or pasta etc. The rest of my food I eat on that day is what I usually eat throughout the week just not weighed out or in excessive amounts. I just like to have a day where I don't weigh everything.

    Your example about the hot pocket is so true. I learned that as well with what labels say and what my scale says is almost different. I weigh everything because of that. My husband eats what he wants and I was measuring his chips to show him what a serving was. The bag said 15 chips and after weighing them it was only 10 chips. Crazy!
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    You've likely heard this and tried it, but figured I'd throw it out there just in case. Have you heard of/tried calorie zig-zagging (taking your total weekly calories and dividing them up differently)? It broke me out of a plateau, though mine lasted nowhere near the length of yours and I have much farther to go on my "journey."

    Here's the site I used in case you haven't tried it and want to give it a go:

    Best of luck to you!
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    blomsj wrote: »
    You've likely heard this and tried it, but figured I'd throw it out there just in case. Have you heard of/tried calorie zig-zagging (taking your total weekly calories and dividing them up differently)? It broke me out of a plateau, though mine lasted nowhere near the length of yours and I have much farther to go on my "journey."

    Here's the site I used in case you haven't tried it and want to give it a go:

    Best of luck to you!

    Actually, I've never heard of this. I'm definitely going to look into this. Thanks!
    Good luck to you on your journey too!
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Overall your food diary looks good, but with a relatively small margin for error there are a few places where you could try to tighten up your logging.

    I notice you are measuring peanut butter in spoons rather than grams, and that's quite calorie dense so easy to underestimate. Bread is logged as '1 slice', but each slice might weigh a different amount. I also see a couple of entries for 'Dole - Pineapple Chunks in Juice, 0.42 cup' or 'egg - large - 0.18 egg' - not sure how you are measuring those. It probably won't make a huge difference but might help to be a bit more accurate there.
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    edited September 2017
    i recommend switching it up every once in a while so your body doesn't get used to your routine. plan a hike, go on a horseback ride, bike ride, trampoline park, just something new to challenge your body with new movement :)
  • CamGoddess
    CamGoddess Posts: 28 Member
    "hike I average about 14-20 miles and I usually burn between 4000 - 6000 calories."

    Working out 5 days a week,
    going on over 15 mile hikes,
    and eat only 1450 calories?

    It seems to me like it could be too low calories eaten (unless you're very short). You may want to calculate your TDEE and BMR, if you haven't yet.
  • jehramsey
    jehramsey Posts: 13 Member
    CamGoddess wrote: »
    "hike I average about 14-20 miles and I usually burn between 4000 - 6000 calories."

    Working out 5 days a week,
    going on over 15 mile hikes,
    and eat only 1450 calories?

    It seems to me like it could be too low calories eaten (unless you're very short). You may want to calculate your TDEE and BMR, if you haven't yet.

    Oh I can definitely tell you on hiking days I eat a lot. Trail mix, high cal protein bars, fruit, and freeze dried meals when I overnight. It's just too hard to keep up with the cals on those days.
    Throughout the week when I'm doing my normal routine I eat around 1450.