CrystalRoseMeow Member


  • It depends on your goals. If you are someone who is looking to perform (i.e. You want to run a faster time, lift heavier, essentially improve your performance and athleticism in any way regardless of if you are focusing on cardio or strength training) you NEED to replenish your body's natural stores with fast digesting…
  • Nutrition is an important piece of the puzzle especially with crossfit. I did crossfit for 2 years and my nutrition was off so my strength increased but my body recomp was very slow. If you get on board with quality nutrition programming (your coach may have some suggestions I personally use Renaissance Periodization) in…
  • I do my cardio fasted (7am sharp...sometimes 630) and run 2-3 miles most mornings. Typically a "cardio" workout with the goal of fat loss should not be fueled. If you feel like you're absolutely dying on an empty stomach some whey protein is typically fine. In the case of performance based workouts (running as in training…
  • I shampoo once a week. I workout six days a week. Monday-Friday running 2-3 miles per day, M-T-Th-F-Sat crossfit. I also hike, ride horses, many other outdoor activities. I rinse my hair after every workout. Sometimes this means twice a day. Rinsing it thoroughly with warm/hot water does plenty. If it's really tangled I'll…
  • Say Less - Dillon Francis feat G Eazy
  • My endurance coach taught me to watch my stride. Being 6' tall I have a tendency to overstride and turn my feet out. After some good stretching and working on my form helped me stop them.
  • I was put on ADHD medication which helped resolve many of the emotional triggers for my episodes. Ultimately "therapy" of getting involved with sports that while you compete against others you also heavily compete against yourself (lifting, crossfit, and most recently running) required dialed in nutrition and MONTHS of…
  • Drink extra water, if you workout out in some solid cardio or met-con type sweat inducing workout, and drink something meant to balance electrolytes. At the end of the day any bloating or water weight retained is not real weight gain so don't let it mentally stress you out. Unlike real weight gain it will in fact go away…
  • I believe we are commonly misplacing beautiful for both healthy and unhealthy. EVERY woman deserves to feel beautiful regardless of their size. We can promote self love and telling an overweight person they are beautiful without promoting an unhealthy lifestyle if we can wrap our heads around the fact that weight loss is…
  • Apple Watch Sport 2 (its the "new" one that's waterproof) hands down. I use it for everything. It records my workouts directly to MFP via health kit. It tracks my activity and fitness goals. It's waterproof so I can swim and shower in it. It tracks my sleep with a nice app that asp directly communicates to health kit. It's…
  • Perspective for you from someone who was exactly where you are and lived he nightmare of gaining it all back (except the woman's version). My initial success after spending my entire childhood being bullied about my physical appearance pulled the worst out of me. My reasons for wanting to change myself may have been…
  • @5000 calories per day assuming I burn 2500 on an average day without working out...that would still leave me (based on numbers gathered from averaging weeks tracked doing these workouts with my Apple Watch) needing to jog 10 hours per day or lift for about 5 hours on a metabolic pace between sets...who has time for…
  • Which Apple Watch do you have? My battery life lasts a day and a half even with using the heart rate monitor during workouts and while tracking sleep overnight. Do you have the setting where the face turns on when you move your wrist? That will save a TON of battery life if you only have the screen come on when you ask it…
  • I have the newer "sport" Apple Watch and it's amazing. The activity feature automatically tracks your exercise/active minutes/how often you stand/how many steps you take etc. it tracks my sleep, it tracks my runs (with a map, average speed, average heart rate, active calories AND total calories, duration, distance etc). It…
  • I just started this week as well. So far I love it. I run at a snail pace but I have yet to require walking before my alert. I have moderate asthma and struggle with an old foot injury so it's been great to find a tool that is helping me improve my running weakness. I mostly do strength training (crossfit/oly…
  • I gained weight up to 265 and this January decided enough was enough. I refused metformin and instead opted to do a 6 week course of HCG injections along with an extremely strict diet. I also am using lipotropic injections 2-3 times per week, an inositol powder supplement every night in a cup of hot spearmint tea, and my…
  • I like the basics. It's hard to beat the chocolate that is super low in calories and tastes just like a Wendy's frosty. I generally speaking avoid dairy because it tears my stomach up but I keep a pint of the chocolate buried in my freezer for a rare treat.
  • Inositol powder and spearmint tea are great supplements to use as well.
  • I found huge success with doing a medically supervised weight loss program. My doctor put me on HCG hormone injections for six weeks and I followed the strict protocol as prescribed from her. I lost 35 lbs while on the hormones that has been successfully maintained thus far PLUS an average of 2lbs per week post treatment.…
  • You're totally right! Since I'm not competing or overly committed to one specific sport or style of training I open my workouts up to trying new things and switching up my focus regularly. It keeps me from getting bored and it keeps my body constantly adapting to new challenges.
  • I should clarify that I do not compete in any of these sports and participate purely out of looking for a good workout with a coach who will make sure I don't do something to injure myself. The primary workout source typically is crossfit but I do Olympic lifting and powerlifting to supplement. For example before a WOD…
  • Thanks for all the insight! I'm looking at super long term milestones if for nothing else than to balance out my training from being too strength oriented (I really love my barbell work). I don't want to "just warm up and run" because I've almost exclusively rowed for the past few years and my distances running have been…