roserly Member


  • It will be difficult at first but after the first couple weeks (give or take) it gets much easier. Take it a day at a time but try to plan your meals. Don't keep your favorite 'bad foods' around you. Basically just track your macros in MFP. Scan labels and measure food as normal but make sure it all adds up to under 20g…
  • Austin! Hi
    in Texas folks Comment by roserly June 2018
  • I'm back! This might gross some out but...Today I pleasantly discovered that acne under my arms and around my bra is gone. I think this is because I've lost weight PLUS eating differently. But mostly loss because now I'm not sweaty and fat and nothing is rubbing. Lol So far everything about losing weight for me is a huge…
  • Calorie counting and keto. Keto is for my stomach problems though, calorie counting is for my weight loss. Both are working for me
  • I know people have already mentioned being treated differently, but I finally experienced it firsthand. I got blatantly hit on by a couple of guys tonight, just going to the gas station. Sure, it was a bit creepy. But they were seriously attractive. In good shape, clean looking, and around my age. I think one of them was…
  • I hope it works for you! I started the same way of eating today because I've heard it helps with IBS. All day I haven't had a stomach ache after eating so I think it's a positive thing. Good luck!
  • Fruit infused water, for coffee try stevia+cream or tea. When I want soda I drink sparkling water. La Croix cranberry sparkling water taste great. Lemonade with stevia and unsweetened iced tea.
  • Cellucor cor-performance whey. It taste the best in my opinion and comes in a bunch of flavors
  • Gladly. Its not real meat. It didnt come from a living animal. Its fake. I would not knowingly ever eat lab grown meat. Why are people so bothered that I answered the thread question honestly and want me to just say 'yes' like most here?
  • Uh yes. Lol. I can make my own decisions and I can stand by them. I doubt however that there would be no meat other than lab meat - but if so, yes I would be vegetarian. :)
  • You might not see it in a week, I didn't. You just need to keep doing what you are doing and you will see and feel a change. I counted and was under my goal, exercised, etc. for 3 weeks and did not lose anything. However I did take measurements of my waist and hips, they went down 1 inch each. At the fourth week I weighed…
  • Yes, things change and people change. But I will not eat lab grown meat - even if it becomes normal.
  • Never in my life.
  • You can just eat at a deficit, but since you are asking for more change up...there is this app called Nike training club that makes a plan for you based on equipment and time you have. Its pretty cool! Like you i also take walks 2-3 miles a day. The nike app gives me 2-3 workouts a week most 30 mins and you can listen to…
  • Protein shake! Or chia seed pudding. Its sweet and has decent protein.
  • I been drinking lemon water for years, I didnt know there was supposed to be a difference! Lol. It is refreshing and tasty though and when you get bored of water its great to have.
  • 1990's. Breakfast was milk and cereal. (now that breakfast upsets my stomach lol) For lunch it was a standard school lunch or packed lunch of campbells soup, bag of chips, a brownie and an apple. I mostly drank milk. After school it was a pb&j and chocolate milk all the time. As a teenager it was ramen noodles and…
  • They should love you regardless, love should not be conditional. However if your weight is on their mind then they can of course bring it up - in the spirit of love, not disdain - because if you love each other you should be able to talk honestly right?
  • I think diet does, not weightloss. Atleast for me...since changing what i eat ive had less cramps, not as heavy flow, no bloating, less lethargy during that time..but i think its different for everyone..
  • I'm changing my lifestyle since a couple weeks ago, trying to lose 50lbs for now to reach 175. Friends would be awesome :) i log everyday