juliehmaui2016 Member


  • Good Luck and there's nothing wrong with getting your health back into a priority. Lots of people tend to have Valley's and hill's throughout a weight loss journey. Good for you for getting back at it :smile:
  • I couldn't give up my AM coffee; it's something I look forward to every morning. I did give up the sugar in it but I use cream, 15ml every day and for me it's totally worth it. Everyone is different though and you have to decide if it's worth the calories or not.
  • Great Job! Thanks for sharing, it's very inspiring.
  • Relax and enjoy yourself. Don't go crazy but do indulge. I am leaving on a trip in the next day to France and a big part of it will be the excitement of trying the cuisine and of course the wine. I plan on having a sensible breakfast, light lunch and not worrying when it's dinner time. We will also be doing a lot of…
  • Congratulations! Good job on continuing your new lifestyle and relationship with food :smile:
  • We're very close to being twins - I'm Canadian Female 5'6" SW 165 CW 153 GW 145
  • I'm not sure what to say other than of course your health is important. You are a better wife and mother when you are practicing a healthy lifestyle which includes exercising and eating right (which includes portion control). Children will learn from what their parents do so keep it up. As for the scale...hopefully it will…
  • Try drinking warm water; it normally will help get things moving.
  • It is as long as it isn't caffeinated and doesn't have sweet things added like candied pineapple etc. Even if it does have some of those things just check the canister and see how much.
  • I have PCOS and I haven't had any issues with my weight until a couple years after the birth of my daughter. I know aging also is a factor in PCOS and as you age your symptoms can become harder to manage. So I have decided to try and be proactive and manage my weight before it really gets out of control. I could see myself…
    in PCOS Comment by juliehmaui2016 June 2017
  • From 7 weeks to 11.5 weeks I ate saltine crackers for breakfast and drank A&W Root Beer in my coffee go cup w/ ice, I also craved and ate a lot of OPA fries with the Tzatziki dipping sauce. I didn't get sick but I had the constant nausea for that time period and then it just went away. I gained a total of 30 lbs with my…
  • Hey great job! As a mom I feel for you as I know it is so hard to actually put yourself on the 'list'. You inspire me and I'm so glad you didn't get discouraged. I started around the same time as you, I'm not as successful as you have been but I also need to lose a lower amount of weight to be where I would like to be. I…
  • I drink decaf green tea instead, snacking at night was a bad habit I had to break.
  • Rice Krispies Cereal - 120 Cal / per Cup
  • I just wanted to say congratulations on becoming a mom! It is a very big change your body has been through and it will take time to lose your baby weight, so don't be too hard on yourself. I think the previous posts have given some very good advice. I second taking your baby for lots of walks (especially now that the…
  • You could perhaps meal replace with a protein shake that has frozen fruit, greens and almond milk added. I use them and I add a couple of snacks and that does me for the morning till dinner. Good luck.
  • I take liq. vit D every morning, 5000 IU and New Chapter Women's multivitamin. I don't seem to be lacking anything and it's easy to incorporate to your morning routine.
  • What about having a protein shake and adding some stuff to it like spinach, fruit and unsweetened almond milk. I have that for my lunch so I don't have to think about what to eat and it keeps me pretty full. I also have a morning and afternoon snack but if it's just lunch you are trying to figure out it could be an option.…
  • I plan on just having plain cheese pizza to avoid extra calories from toppings. This pizza crust is pretty thin. Not sure of the type of cheese though. [/quote] You could also ask what kind of cheese they use as well.
  • I'm nearing my TOM and I have had cravings the last 2 days. Yesterday I ate 160 cals. worth of sour cherry blaster gummies and today I had an Eat More bar for 240 cal. When I'm old and grey I don't think I'll say to myself 'man I shouldn't have had those to eat'. Some days are better than other's. Figure out what you want…
  • Most places will have some sort of salad on the menu. Perhaps order water with a slice of lemon for you beverage and a salad with dressing on the side, grilled chicken if you want meat on it and if there are high fat cheeses or croutons just request it without. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • Okay that did it! I logged in on my phone, Thank you!!!!
  • Thanks USMCMP - but I tried that (the link you sent is where I have been changing stuff) I tried to change my privacy settings so you can see some of my profile - right now I changed it so I'm male 6'1' 220lbs and wanting to be at 205lb and still gives me 1270 cal/day. Any other suggestions?
  • MFP gives me 1270. I have a desk job so I'm sedentary. I try and do at least one work out video on Saturdays (the actual workout varies as I rent the CD's from the library). I do my best to try and stick to those caleries but I seem to end up closer to 1400 most days...sigh. I'm 39 Y/O Female SW-160 CW-156 GW - (145, I…
  • Thanks ladies I appreciate all your posts.
  • I am going to Vegas for a trip soon so I did a little research on indulging without over indulging and what drinks tend to be lower in calories. I plan on having (depending on what I feel like) short gin and tonics, champagne or 4 oz glass of wine and alternating my drinks with having either plain H2O or soda H2O in…
  • First thing in the AM before I eat or drink anything I have a mug of really warm H2O with a bit of lemon juice. Can help things get going before I leave the house for work.
  • I have been doing Jillian Michael's video Healthy Mamma Hot Body which is for ladies who are looking to get their pre-baby muscles/strength back. She has modifications for all the workouts so you can do the workout with lesser strain for some of us who need that. However like some other people have just be careful, the…
  • I use GNC Pro Performance Whey Iso Burst (2 scoops), and blend it with 1cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/4 frozen organic spinach, 1/2 cup of frozen fruit (usually 1 of the following: mango, strawberries, blueberries, peaches) 1.5 cups of water. I split the shake into 2 shakers and have one for breakfast and one for lunch.…