Calling all 5'6" women @ approx. 155lbs

Just curious: What is your daily calorie intake for weight loss and for those who are at Maintenance what is your calorie intake? Feel fee to also post exercise you do if that is part of your life.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,366 Member
    edited April 2017
    It really depends on your activity level, and to some degree your age.

    I'm 5'7" 143 and I eat from 1500-2500 depending on my daily activity.

    (*edit to say I'm at goal/maintenance)
  • A_Rene86
    A_Rene86 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 5'8, started at 158, now 141 and I eat 1400 on an average day. I find I start gaining if I go over 1700, but that's just me!
  • yellingkimber
    yellingkimber Posts: 229 Member
    5'5 152lbs here. My goal is set to 1400 but I'm usually between 1200 and 1350. I'm down 6.7 lbs so far, which is 1.3 lbs-ish a week. My diary should be open :)
  • juliehmaui2016
    juliehmaui2016 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks ladies I appreciate all your posts.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    That's pretty much me - I'm about 5'6.5", 155. Loss is net between 1250 (1 lb/week) and 1500 (0.5 lb/week). I usually eat around 1500-1700 and bike 40 min/day, plus some walking.
  • StarBrightStarBright
    StarBrightStarBright Posts: 97 Member
    5.5 (and a half) and I started at 155.

    I'm steadily losing on 1490 a day. I lose between .5 and 1 pound a week. I usually eat between 1350 and 1550.

    I'm very sedentary during the week but never sit down on weekends.

    I'm having a binge-y week (average 1700 cals a day so far) so we'll see if I'm able to maintain.
  • Lullabies6
    Lullabies6 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm 5'6 155 as well. I just returned to mfp and am on about 1250 calories a day but I tend to eat more like 1300-1400. I do runs, yoga and starting body weight strength training. Feel free to add me and I think my diary is open.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm 5'6". At 155 I maintain on approximately 2250-2450 calories per day. That's with 3-4 days of lifting and 2-3 days of walking/running for about 30-40 minutes.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I'm 5' 6.5". Started at 300lbs. Successfully eliminated 167lbs over he course of 22.5 months eating roughly 1400 cals. During the weight-loss portion of my journey, I did A LOT of walking...usually between 60-90 minutes worth every day. Am currently in maintenance and have been maintaining current weight of 132lbs by eating roughly 1600 cals. I do far less walking now but that's only because I do other exercise which focus on toning up and building muscle (16 minutes of HIIT in the morning 5-7 X / week; full workout 3-4 X / week; at least 20 minutes of cardio 3-4 X / week on the days I don't work out). Also, my daily calorie intake requirement keeps going up (yay). Getting another body fat test done this week-end which will let me know if another bump up in calories is due or not.