How to add ain't to tech not old just not to techy
Remember it can be done anyone use that fear to motivate you I was 115kg and over 50% body fat in 6 months I became 88kg and 25% body fat I worked out good eating ha it's portion control small and often and and I exercise hard I ran rowed and did weightlifting anything that made my sweat top drip with sweat now I feel good…
Hi first the best thing that worked for me is to work out your what you eat and remove all the processed food and junk with good healthy food and limit your portions small and often learn to snack on Apple's everyday and variety fruit fibre and balanced meals in protein good carbs and fat make sure you understand your body…
Succeed together achieve realistically vivacious eating
Waking up to another day and Looking in the mirror
Ok if you believe the healthiest way to lose weight is just to cause calorie defecit than good luck to you I went from 115kg to 88kg in 8 months and body fat of probably 49% to 25% no personal trainer just my motivation and good research in food and my own body how it ticks
Different strokes you need to find the food that affects you the most mine was crisps and more so chappati and portion sizes meal timings then start adjusting to manipulate your body use the Stored fat cardio is vital but after some strength go and do a variation of cardio rower run and swim by the time your done you wish…