genesis642 Member


  • I started on a 14:10 plan yesterday. I'm struggling after my morning workout (I workout twice a day training for a triathlon). I hope to transition to 16:8, but wanted to ease into it. I hope to do this through April and see what results I have.
  • I just started IF yesterday in addition to eating gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free (all added sugars). I'm doing a daily 14-hour fast from 9 pm to 11 am, with normal meals/snacks during my "feasting" time. Yesterday wasn't so bad because I didn't do my morning though I did a treadmill interval workout…
  • I'm training for a 70.3 (in July), but until this week, I've been indoor cycling. My bike is in the shop getting a tune-up now, but hopefully I'll be ready to go outside this weekend. I'm hoping to get about 150 road miles in this month, in addition to indoor cycling about 4 hours per week.