OMAD/Intermittent Fasting Friends

Hello. My Brenda and I am looking for one meal a day friends and/or any type of intermittent fasting friends. I've struggled with my weight since I had kids and she's 23 years old and the oldest is 31. I will be 54 in August and I'm tired if carrying around all this weight. I'm over 200 pounds and I'm 5 feet 6 and a half feet tall. I'm pre diabetic, and my cholesterol is high. One meal a day works for me because I love food and eating 3 meals a day or 6 small meals a day makes me even hungrier. I've been a weight watchers, more that twice, Paleo, low carb and a multitude of various diet plans practically half of my life and I like the fact.that I can have this huge meal at the end of the day and my appetite is decreased eating this way whereas if I follow the traditional way if eating 3 to 6 meals a day, I'll be so hungry that I just keep on eating and end up over eating. I even do a 4 hour eating window at times where I'll eat 2 meals within a 4 hour eating window and be fasted for 18 to 20 hours a day. So Lets stay on this journey together.

Peace and friendship,



  • Hollygma
    Hollygma Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Brenda. My name is Holly. I'm 56 and weigh 311 as of Sunday (4/2/17) when I began OMAD. I've tried everything over the years. I've NEVER been at a normal weight. I have been lucky with health in that I don't have diabetes and my cholesterol is awesome (genetics). My BP is slightly high but controlled. However, I've had two knee replacement surgeries and a hernia operation that did not go well. I am a food addict. Not eating is easier than controlled eating. I enjoy a big meal at the end of the day. So far, I think this may be my answer! I'm only going to weigh myself once a week as my weight has always fluctuated a lot.

    Looking forward to sharing this experience!
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    The biggest benefit of IF is mental, to me. It teaches you to treat food as fuel. I don't do emotional eating. Bored, upset, reward etc have nothing to do with food.
    On the other hand, it's way more satisfying for me to eat one big meal than tease myself all day long with rabbit food.
    You can add me if you want.
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi...I had never heard of OMAD until I read this blog. It sounds like something I may try. I searched it and found an article that explains it all. I have about 100 lbs to lose. My real goal though, is to change my numbers....high cholesterol, pre-diabetic. I thought maybe concentrating on that, instead of just dropping pounds, would help me to be more successful. Dropping the lbs would be a nice bonus though. I am 64 years old and have struggled with weight loss my whole life. I was a member of Weight Watchers for many years...until it became too commercialized. Now I belong to TOPS. They do have a program to follow, if you like, but we are free to use whatever eating program we choose. When I was younger, I used to do total fasting now and then. I figure, what will it hurt to try this? I am on no medication...I was at one time, for blood pressure and cholesterol, but didn't like it. I lowered my blood pressure just by cutting out so much salty foods and dropping a few pounds. I'm hoping OMAD will help lower my cholesterol....but high cholesterol does run in my family. I used to think cholesterol was no big grandmother had high cholesterol until the day she the age of 91! My other Grandma, and an aunt, lived to be 96! I assumed that would be me too. But, my Dad had Congestive Heart Failure...quadruple by-pass, heart valve replacement and another double by-pass....he died in February and it wasn't pleasant. He was 89 yrs old. Had it not been for modern medicine, he would have passed away years ago. Both my grandfathers died in their 70s. I have to remember that I also carry his genes and shouldn't assume that I'll be like my grandmas. I used to weigh every didn't make me crazy, it kind of helped me learn my body and what I could, and couldn't, get away with. I now weigh once a week at my TOPS meeting. I was concerned about the once a day eating thing because we do go to lunch after our meeting once a I was glad to see that we can have a "splurge day". It might be a struggle for me to change the "eat 3 times a day" habit....and also the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" idea...but I'm ready to give it a try. I haven't eaten yet today so....what better time to get started?
  • genesis642
    genesis642 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started IF yesterday in addition to eating gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free (all added sugars). I'm doing a daily 14-hour fast from 9 pm to 11 am, with normal meals/snacks during my "feasting" time. Yesterday wasn't so bad because I didn't do my morning though I did a treadmill interval workout around 6:30 am. It's almost 10 am now and I am having trouble concentrating on anything besides food! One more hour until I can eat - I do think it's mainly mental right now and I'll get past it, but it's been a rough morning.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    IF has been a game-changer for me (even as I sit here staring down the clock and a jar of roasted chickpeas). I'm less hungry, more motivated. I've been considering stretching my window from 16:8 to close to 20:4 or even OMAD. I have 230lbs to lose to my goal weight (yes, I know it's a lot - but shoot for the moon and all that). Would love to be friends and get some inspiration from your diary :)
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I don't think OMAD is going to work for me....but IF might. That's what I used to do "back in the day"...didn't know it had a