ngaydean Member


  • Hello, I am in. I didn't start to gain weight until I turned 55. I will be 61 in July. Went from being active to a 70 hour a week high stress desk job. After work, a few adult beverages and snacks became a pattern. I went up 35 pounds. I usually only work 6 month out of the year and am taking this off time to get a handle…
  • Um, I guess I won't be sending that add request. Not until I can figure out how to do it, lol
  • 137 was always my best weight. 5 years ago I started a desk job working crazy hours. I gained 35 pounds. 15are gone. However, at the age of 60 I only want to lose another 10 or so. Anymore than that will accentuate wrinkles. I say that by way of introduction. I am a grandmother of 14 and a safe friend. Sending you an add…
  • I invested in a fitbit. I work 70 hour weeks behind a desk for 6 months at a time then I am off for 6 months. I started walking during my breaks just to get some fresh air and see daylight once in awhile. Once I returned home from that assignment, I found myself being a couch potatoe. I am motivated by small progress and…
  • hey all. I am a 60 year young woman from Door County Wisconsin. I have been lurking for a couple of weeks but decided to break out and say Hi