claudiawalsh1 Member


  • Good morning, I'm new to this group, so let me introduce myself. My name is Claudia and I've been following MFP since December of 2016. So far I've lost 27 lbs which is good considering I'm 66 and disabled. I still have 15-20 to go so I figure maybe 2 years?? Exercise is challenging for those of us who cannot stand without…
  • 1200 for two years now and only lost 5 lbs all summer, feeling quite stuck....7 lbs to goal. any tips on breaking this plateau would be appreciated.
  • Hi, I'm 65 and looking for support in this journey. In the past two years, I've developed severe osteoarthritis in my spine, and had my first operation, removing four broken vertibra and fusing most of my lumbar region, four sections. It continues to worsen, and my flexibility and balance are so bad, I fall at least…
    in Hello Comment by claudiawalsh1 June 2017
  • around your age, your body begins changing, and in my case, the weight gain was extremely difficult to budge. I'd say it's time to start limiting your carbs to fruit & veggies, and saying b'bye to breads, pastas, and sugary pastries.
  • Could you share a sample day's meal plan? I'm interested in trying to cut back to around 40-60 carbs. I don't lose any weight following the prescribed plan.