

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Oh my! It would seem I'm a blizzard!! I didn't even want to be a snowstorm! lol Seriously, hoping everybody weathers the storm without too much difficulty. Nasty weather some folks are having.....
    Janetr, please don't ever apologize for posting pics of Olivia! She is just such a little cutie!
    Katla, I grew up on the banks of the Columbia river! It never spilled over it's banks, it seeped through underground. Fortunately, it didn't happen all the time and I only remember one really bad year, but that was a REALLY bad year! Please be careful with those sockets, if the plug is loose it could cause electrical incidents, could be a shocking experience!
    Well that's it for me for today, shower and bed are calling!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MICHELLE brass cleaning does need elbow grease but it is satisfying to see when it's done, even now I can't stand to see brass not polished you know in bars or restaurants. I don't have any now, wouldn't fit with decor.

    Have a good Sunday

    Kate UK <3
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Good Sunday Morning from rainy and chilly Ohio,

    Things have been crazy busy at work. Better though knowing that Donovan is not leaving. It really helps when everyone (sister in law and niece) is at work together. Runs much better. I was unprofessional on Thursday with one of our vendors. They had a sale in March. We sold 4 pieces of equipment that had to be ordered. We followed instructions and ordered them on March 26th....they still aren't here!!!! One of the customers has cancelled his order= loss of sale=bad for reputation=loss of income. Apparently they changed shipping protocol and will only ship orders complete.....That would be okay if they had product to ship, but how do you hold up an entire order for a piece of equipment you can't produce for 2-3 months. Makes NO sense to me!!!! So now, in addition to just meeting their requirements for dollar amount for free shipping, we have to make sure that all the equipment on an order is available. I am so NOT HAPPY with them! I told the rep on the phone then take the *kitten* bagger off the order and ship the damn units! Then I get mad and start crying which makes me more mad! They are charging us $20 per metal crate (which are returned), 2% on all orders for "advertising", financing costs us 3.5% when a customer chooses to do that. And our profit margin on most equipment is only 12-15% to begin with! It is getting harder and harder to be an independent dealer.

    The rental is on the market. We have a couple of outside things to do, but raining today. Hopefully will get those finished up on Wednesday. I need to change the oven light bulb. Won't be til Wednesday as I have a massage Monday night and hair appt on Tuesday night. It really is looking good though. One thing off to do list!

    Today is get things done at home day. I have lots of paperwork to organize and finish up, laundry going, flipped the mattress, kitchen is cleaned (last time ran the dishwasher was last Sunday- was still clean dishes full) We have not been home to cook so only coffee cups in sink. Wanted to send you a post though, so took time to do that. ;)

    Trish- Rentals are a handful sometimes. In our case, the renter made an attempt at cleaning, but if this was clean, I don't want to know what it looked like before. Dirty is never acceptable wear and tear. I spent years in military housing and they expected clean when you moved out. We always spent the few dollars on new stove drip pans and even sometimes the blinds (if the cats, dogs or kids had damaged) That was much cheaper than loosing our deposit or getting charged. Our previous tenant has to pay for the door his dog damaged, but the carpet was due to be replaced after 12 years. I can't believe what smells people live with. Our other rental, they had a dog and a cat, yet when they moved out, the only thing, ONLY thing, that needed done was shampooing carpet which they were responsible for by a professional. They were only there 2 years, but the place was immaculate! They moved out on Saturday, carpets cleaned on Sunday and luckily had new tenants in on Monday! I hope you get the property manager straightened out and some compensation for the filth left. You may need to replace carpet... but could try an ozinator ( I think that is what it is called) It cleans the smells. We had to tear out tack strips as well as paint the concrete floor because of the dog piss. ((hugs)) May we both get good renters back in our places soon!

    Lisa Welcome home! I understand about the cabinet liners. I have cleaned our rental up but still put in liners in the bathroom vanity drawers. The new tenants might change them, but the drawers were awful! Then again the vanity is 30 years old. I hope the moving in goes smoother today.

    Heather UK- I think you are feeling some grief over the finishing of a long time project. I am sure the book will be eye opening and inspirational for many!

    Ladies, I must get some work going! Will check in later.

    Welcome to the new ladies! Claudia- Great job on finding exercises that work for you! Heart rate up is awesome!!!!

    Hugs to those in need.
    High fives to wins and great choices.
    Warm thoughts to all!

    Kylia in Ohio trying to get some organizing done!

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Janetr ...That picture of Olivia just made my whole body smile. Thanks for posting.

    Betsy in NW Washington
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Keytone Karen ~ Loved the flower arrangement you showed yesterday. And, agree with Katla that your brother's art is wonderful. So sorry that mental illness has incapacitated him.

    Janet OK ~ Olivia is a doll!

    Barbie ~ I would not be able to stand wearing so many clothes at the same time. But, I am hot natured. Spring has definitely come to GA. It is raining today but not too cold.

    Trish and Kylia ~ Good luck on getting new renters. We are just crossing our fingers that our latest renter will stay for a couple of years. Our house is 42 yrs old and of course always needs repairs.

    Carol in GA