
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    BARBARA “Midwest Trish were you PatCeOH?”

    Yes,I was & miss her .....LOL
    Have to keep notebook close,as I dropped several apps rather than change info (didn’t use them),Did change PW etc on
    most others. What a job that is!

    Thankful I never got into a lot of stuff on here,& no banking. Like several posters mentioned,I was born a private person.
    No idea where that came from,but there it is.

    Midwest Trish
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good morning!
    Allie- I hope you feel better today. ((Hugs))

    Trish- I too have a notebook for passwords. I am lost without it!

    Lisa- Excitement for your next chapter in this book of life. Living with adult children can be challenging. I love spending time with my family, but love when I have my time back, too!

    Well ladies, it is work then rental again. At least I am beginning to see an end to that project. Need to get some bills paid this morning.

    Have a blessed day!

    Kylia smiling in Ohio just because....
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Needing advice about orthotics. Prices in stores & on line are all over the place.

    DD has worn them for yrs.......from foot Dr ....still used her 1st pair,after 20 yrs! She just ordered new.
    Neighbor buys them in a shop & pays $50 every 6 mos for new pair.

    My feet aren’t terribly bad,but tired of only being able to buy 2 brands of shoes,both very $$$.With orthos,can use them in most shoes. Hope this makes sense.

    Midwest Tricia
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning! Happy Tuesday! It's National Farm Animal Day! Yea! I like silly little holidays like this one, because nothing is easier than planning activities/crafts around farm animals. Some of the first sounds kids learn are farm animals, Old MacDonald is still a favorite song, they love books about farm animals (and there are a GAJILLION out there), SO...this makes for an extremely easy day for me. We are having pasta for lunch, so that I don't have to explain where their hamburger, ham or chicken comes from. You'd be surprised how many kids don't make the connection between chicken tenders/nuggets and actual chickens. lol When I was a child, my brother told me that eggs were chicken babies stolen from their mothers! I remember crying and I didn't eat eggs again until adulthood.

    Machka- So happy you are taking care of yourself during this time. I have often wished some one would write a pamphlet in regards to what to expect when you are handling health emergencies. Something that lets you know what info the hospitals will need from you, different medical terms used and what it means in regards to steps that will need to be taken. It was a HUGE wake up call when dealing with the care of my younger sister and now my mother in law. I am following your DH's progress closely, as you share, and am happy to hear that he is making small progresses. You both are in my mind much. Sending love <3

    Becca- You've made it! So happy you are on your island! I agree with Heather, rest a bit and take your time unpacking. What a lovely neighborhood to walk through and get to know!

    Heather, Karen UK- 140 is my goal weight. I am 5'8 and 140 was the weight where I was always the most "comfortable". I think for my wedding I weighed about 128; but I was always hungry! lol I hate to think how far away from that I let myself get; but I am heading down the scale and am determined to get there (or as close to it as possible and still feel/stay healthy). Heather, running is amazing for whittling that extra little bit of weight off! I am hoping, when I lose just a bit more, to get back out and begin running again. Maybe by that time my knee will have healed.

    Lisa-I know you are like a horse at the starting gate, waiting for the race to start. You have two days, but I bet it sometimes feels like 48 looooong hours! I can only imagine the stress that must be a constant in your young little family's life. Both parents in the military, shipping out, coming home, this parent is primary caregiver, and not the other...Remind them to breathe. Sending you all love. Changes are not easy.

    Michelle- Not to worry. I just went off my birth control in December, as both my doctor and I figured that I was through/nearly through menopause. She did warn me that I may have a cycle or two. I was just hoping that I would be in the "may not" group. Which reminds me, I guess I better start tracking it. Ugh! Can you imagine, having a baby over 50?! No thank you!

    Well, sending out the good vibes to all who need or want them! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca great pics, Whidby is a very beautiful place, just right for your beautiful soul!

    Lisa love your post, don't worry the time will tick by and you will be on the road to your next adventure.

    My best most comfortable weight, at 5'4" is 130 lbs. Right now I'm over that and feeling not so great about it, but I know I will lighten up as spring comes, I tend to get out more and shed those winter blues pounds.

    Trish I feel your pain about the orthodics, it is an investment to find just the right thing, for me it was the vionic shoes ($50-$120), the SOLE slip on slippers ($45) and skeechers sneakers (pretty inexpensive). You'll get pain free, but it will take time and a lot of stretching.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)Rebecca, congrats on your new home. I know you'll be thoughtful about you arrange things.

    :)Lisa, best wishes on your last few days before the move. You'll enjoy the nest building when you get to the new place.

    :)Karen in VA, I am still wearing wool socks every day

    :)Machka <3 Walking has been my stress reducer. Best wishes to you at this trying time.

    <3 Barbie from rainy NW Washington
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited April 2018
    Weight: I have put on 4 or 5 extra pounds and I am determined to get back down to what I think of as my normal weight for the past 10 yrs. Yes, I am obese but I think a lot of it is age and lack of exercise.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Hi all.
    I use some cheap supermarket orthotics in my ankle boots and in everything else I use the elastic things with pads underneath that I buy from Amazon. Really cheap and work like a dream. Life savers. I can wear any shoe with them, or no shoe. I just slip them on over my socks. My running trainers, New Balance, don't need anything. :D

    KJ - My height is 5'4". 140 gives me a BMI of 24 or so, which is fine by me. The doctors recommend a higher BMI as you get older for bone health and as Lanette says, a haggard face is not a good look. I think it would be a push at 5'8" . :o If I get a couple of pounds under I will take it, but generally I feel good at this weight and, apart from a small roll around the middle, I have good, firm muscles. :D

    Lisa - I'll say it again, just for you, there is no such thing as a British accent. :#:#:#:#:# Britain consists of four countries and many, many regions. What Judy Dench and Geoffrey Palmer have is a middle class English accent - Received Pronunciation, or RP. Love you really! <3<3<3<3<3

    Had yoga this morning. We are concentrating on hips. :o:( Then this afternoon DH and I did a BIG shop. He also picked up a linen shirt and a t shirt with palm trees on it for the cruise. B):D Nice turquoise colours. I had a delicious beetroot and wholegrain salad for my afternoon snack.
    We keep meaning to run down supplies, but without a date it's a bit difficult. So we just keep buying.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx