
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited April 2018
    A whole lot of lawyer's stuff arrived by email. I let DH open the 9 docs and peruse them. Nothing scary, just the usual purchase stuff. At least that means our vendors are serious. :D We have asked the lawyers to send hard copies. Not going to print out loads of bumpff. One is 50 pages long! One step nearer.

    Allie - I agree with the others. If there is no money in it for you WALK AWAY! Let the mortgage company and the creditors fight it out between them. You are not responsible for your father's mess. Don’t touch it.

    Tomorrow I hope to get the text of my book finalised. Hope I sleep tonight. Maybe the cover too.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Tried again,no dice. Weird MFP...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did a DVD on the bosu today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Michelle Dozios' Pure Strength DVD

    Cindy - put your feet up, pour yourself a glass of unsweet tea, and jump right in. What is CAKE, tell more about it. Never heard of it

    katla - lately I've noticed fewer and fewer people posting on Facebook. hmmm...wonder why???? Arrow has come so far with you, you should be proud.

    Heather - You hear so much about restricting calories and what restaurants, etc are doing to help you (offering healthy choices) but I believe more healthy choices would be chosen if the price of the item were dependent on the calories in the item. So you could buy a salad for much less than a Big Mac. It's not that you can't buy a Big Mac, but people who are watching their budget are more likely to choose the lower cost item. But that's only my opinion

    okie - I didn't realize how much you lost in the year you've been here. Way to go girl! Good for you getting that fruit and yogurt finished. Do you get your yogurt in the small containers (I think they're about 5oz) or the larger ones (I think they're about 32oz). I usually get the ones in the smaller containers since they are sealed and they can go past the expiration date.

    Michele in NC
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Michelle - I buy the small single serve ones. If I am getting the plain for baked potatoes or stroganoff, I will try to meal plan around using it up and get a big one of that. I like to vary my flavor every day for breakfast. I have been obsessed with the toasted marshmallow that was a limited edition and I have been having one every day as a dip for my apples as dessert :smile: . I'm very sad that the run has come to an end and I won't be able to get any more. I have enough to last me about 3 more weeks.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Allie ~ When I let go of co-ownership of my mom's estate, it was like a rock had been lifted off me. I think others have given you good advice.

    Becca ~ Love your house. It looks good inside and out. Sorry about all the bruises. And, it sounds like you got a wonderful deal on your rental.

    Lenora ~ So sorry you have to redo the colonoscopy. I have never had one but did do the initial test you can not do at home and send into the lab.

    I've read off and on all day and took no notes. So, good wishes and good health to all!

    Carol in GA

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. I’d say spring has sprung but we are getting snow over the weekend. Today is a very frustrating work day. The room situation here is intolerable. We have rooms booked for classes, and somehow other people book “over” you. So you look like an idiot. Monday at noon, there were a dozen pizza boxes from over the weekend in my class, and half of them were still full of old, cold pizza. Yesterday I had to go to three different rooms for class, and that happened again today. It’s getting very frustrating! On the good news side DH is doing well, and we had a newcomer at S-anon last night who really needed to be there. So that was awesome.

    Rye: sending you hugs for the bad stuff life brings

    Allie: glad you are feeling better!

    OK I’ll bite…what’s a chick-o-stick?

    Rebecca: awesome pictures of deer!! What clutter? All I saw was a gorgeous kitchen!

    Ccindy: welcome!

    Katla: I’m missing something…can you explain what you were talking about with the photo and using your horse? Those colonoscopy preps are bad!

    Wendy: retiring??? OMG you don’t look anywhere near old enough for that! But if you’re excited, I’m excited!

    Heather: I love cruising too!

    Okie: I do a good job of planning my dinners, but I realize now I need to plan breakfast and lunch too…then don’t turn the alarm off so I can get up in time to actually put them together!

    Allie: why would the bank get pissy with you, or was it someone else?

    Karen: love the haiku

    Well I am going to head home after this very frustrating day and take a nice, long, hot shower! Take care everyone! Meg from Omaha where it might be spring one day.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Becca it's probably an agressive male bird...they don't percieve the window as a barrier. I've read that using a plastic model of a predator, say a plastic hawk, owl, etc. and stake it nearby the window to act as a warning. Occasionally move the model....I've also heard of putting netting over the window to darken it a bit.

    Good luck and enjoy your new wonderful home. NYKAREN
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member