NRC1983 Member


  • No other caffeine, just a little coffee in the morning. I drink a protein drink in the morning with vitamins and minerals, I also take B12, but am open to taking others. I eat a diet rich in veggies, fruits, complex carbs, good fats and proteins including meat/fish. I have fibro, so I just stay away from simple carbs,…
  • Roughly, I have been the same weight since I went through puberty, my weight stays pretty stable. I'm not sure what my frame is, but I imagine its small, but not extraordinarily tiny like someone who is of Asian descent. I do know that I am more on the bony side which makes it hard to sit down on hard surfaces for too…
  • My daily calorie goal is like 1900-2000 on a sedentary day, 2100-2500 on a more active day. I eat about 1800-2000 on a sedentary day and 2100-2500 when I am more active, I know my weight is low, my doctor says my ideal weight is about 115 even 120,I guess 20 is the perfect BMI. I have been trying to build muscle which…