Why am I getting jittery? I eat plenty of calories...

So, I am really trying to get toned/in shape, but I get the jitters all the time, especially when I exercise. Usually eating helps the jitters, I don't have diabetes or blood sugar problems, I generally eat a diet high in protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats ( avocado, peanut butter) etc. I try to eat every 2 hours, and I eat a lot when I do, but whatever I eat, I just get hungry several hours later. Right now, I am 34 years old 5'4 107-109, I don't need/want loose weight, just trying to get toned/build muscle. If anyone has any suggestions, please share them. I just want to add also, because I have fibro I have to stay away from gluten, dairy and nightshade vegetables.


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You could be hypoglycaemic, pre diabetic, or just not eating enough. What is your daily calorie goal? You could just make sure to have snacks handy like half a protein bar, Muscle Milk, or hiker's mix.
  • BizMa2
    BizMa2 Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2017
    drink more than usual....I tend to get really dizzy the morning after drinking tea the night prior...some things really dehydrate us fast...every body different. I swear jitters has to do with dehydration lol.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    How much caffeine are you taking in? I get jittery with too much tea.
  • NRC1983
    NRC1983 Posts: 4 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    You could be hypoglycaemic, pre diabetic, or just not eating enough. What is your daily calorie goal? You could just make sure to have snacks handy like half a protein bar, Muscle Milk, or hiker's mix.

    My daily calorie goal is like 1900-2000 on a sedentary day, 2100-2500 on a more active day.
    usmcmp wrote: »
    You say you "eat plenty" of calories, but you need to eat more. You get jittery because you are seriously underweight and your body is begging for more calories. If you want to get toned or build muscles you need to eat more anyway, but the jitters is because your body needs more food.

    I eat about 1800-2000 on a sedentary day and 2100-2500 when I am more active, I know my weight is low, my doctor says my ideal weight is about 115 even 120,I guess 20 is the perfect BMI. I have been trying to build muscle which would add a little more weight. Do you have any suggestions of foods I could be eating more of? I agree, its because my body burns through it all, I just need something that can stay in my system longer and not burn up so fast.
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    How much caffeine are you taking in? I get jittery with too much tea.

    A half cup of coffee in the morning coupled with a protein smoothie and some carbs.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    You are at the bottom of the BMI scale at 18.5. Depending on your bone structure muscle mass, etc, this may be too low and unsustainable for your body.

    How long have you maintained this weight for?

    you probably want to be looking at getting .8-1g protein, .3-4g fats per lbs of ideal body weight, carbs ful the rest.

    Also if you aren't eating extra calories to support your workouts, you should start doing so.

    A clean bulk, adding 150-250 cals a day would help in increasing muscle. Yes you will put on a few lbs, and some of it will be fat, but your physique will improve.

    A check up at the doctors wouldn't go amiss- just to rule out and undiagnosed problems.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Do you use any pre workouts or vitamins, specifically vitamin d or magnesium?

    Any other forms of caffeine?

    Have you had a recent blood test to rule out any deficiencies?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Fats stick with you longer. They are the slowest burning fuel and they have twice the calories per gram than either carbs or protein. Nuts fit that profile nicely and they are portable.
  • NRC1983
    NRC1983 Posts: 4 Member
    You are at the bottom of the BMI scale at 18.5. Depending on your bone structure muscle mass, etc, this may be too low and unsustainable for your body.

    How long have you maintained this weight for?

    you probably want to be looking at getting .8-1g protein, .3-4g fats per lbs of ideal body weight, carbs ful the rest.

    Also if you aren't eating extra calories to support your workouts, you should start doing so.

    A clean bulk, adding 150-250 cals a day would help in increasing muscle. Yes you will put on a few lbs, and some of it will be fat, but your physique will improve.

    A check up at the doctors wouldn't go amiss- just to rule out and undiagnosed problems.

    Roughly, I have been the same weight since I went through puberty, my weight stays pretty stable. I'm not sure what my frame is, but I imagine its small, but not extraordinarily tiny like someone who is of Asian descent. I do know that I am more on the bony side which makes it hard to sit down on hard surfaces for too long. My doctor says 115 is the best weight for me, so I don't mind gaining a few, its probably better anyway, since I really can't afford to loose any weight right now and don't want to. Thank you for your suggestions :)
  • NRC1983
    NRC1983 Posts: 4 Member
    Do you use any pre workouts or vitamins, specifically vitamin d or magnesium?

    Any other forms of caffeine?

    Have you had a recent blood test to rule out any deficiencies?

    No other caffeine, just a little coffee in the morning.

    I drink a protein drink in the morning with vitamins and minerals, I also take B12, but am open to taking others. I eat a diet rich in veggies, fruits, complex carbs, good fats and proteins including meat/fish. I have fibro, so I just stay away from simple carbs, gluten, sugar and alcohol.

    There was a concern maybe I had a hyperthyroid, but it came back that I didn't. My blood sugar is also low but normal.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Well, low blood sugar will give you the jitters for sure.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    NRC1983 wrote: »
    Do you use any pre workouts or vitamins, specifically vitamin d or magnesium?

    Any other forms of caffeine?

    Have you had a recent blood test to rule out any deficiencies?

    No other caffeine, just a little coffee in the morning.

    I drink a protein drink in the morning with vitamins and minerals, I also take B12, but am open to taking others. I eat a diet rich in veggies, fruits, complex carbs, good fats and proteins including meat/fish. I have fibro, so I just stay away from simple carbs, gluten, sugar and alcohol.

    There was a concern maybe I had a hyperthyroid, but it came back that I didn't. My blood sugar is also low but normal.

    I feel you're eating meat, drinking a protien drink that contains vitamins and taking b12, you might be ingesting too much b12.

    I have fibre too, but still eat what you avoid. *shrug*