Robert De Niro cheek to cheek
The way he stares into the sunset
A zombie thread woohoo lol I love zombies and yes the person above can come along just bring a barf bag I've watched way too many kung fu movies
Got annoyed of my ninja sounds randomly walking around the house
Cute nerdy girl
Sweet hair
She doesn't speak alien
Say hi and leave awkwardly because coffee spots aren't my thing...
I watch a lot of bear grylls, we'll be fine lol
Haha took you a good minute
lol this thread
Beer pong
My voice and shoulders
Yes im stealing all the coconuts
Ghangis Khan killed so many people in his conquest it changed the carbon footprint of earth!
Yesterday was cool but was and am still sore from friday night... Punched a bouncer in the mouth and got jumped by 6 bouncers. I do not think violence is the answer for anything but in this case he deserved it. (Worth it
Greek yogurt with a spoon of nutella in it... Delicious!
Think about how awesome I am and how tomorrow is a whole new day!
I hate when someone sits one station for an exaggerated period of time... Like bro if you can lift for that long youre not lifting enough. Grrrr.
People say the weeknd... I dont see it -__-
In muay thai we love shin splits lol makes bone stronger.... However if you're getting that much discomfort, why not another form of cardio? Swimming, stairmaster or that little ski machine thingy haha those are all incredibly effective and less stress on joints!
Thank you. I will update it with correct info, time to go buy a scale.
I've been going to gym 4 times a week, only strength training. Occasionally I'll throw in cardio on off days. My diet is high protein however sometimes its hard to meet the other nutrition goals
This is my routine for the most part. Morning Protein Shake two scoops with a banana and blueberries approx 350 cal. Dinner varies but mostly home prepped chicken or fish and raw veggies with a dressing 300-600cal usually. There have been times when I've felt dizzy but I'll have some greek yogurt and water and feel fine…
It's usually around 500+ cals difference I'm 6'1 at my heaviest I was 300 and put that as my current weight even though I've lost weight... I haven't weighed myself in about two years. Measuring my progress on how I feel and look. Lost 6inches so far since I've started eating right.