Jadeyy_xo Member


  • I was at 50kg 4 days ago and now I am at 49kg, i enter the calories burned based on what exercise I’ve done that day (walking, hula hoops, leg exercises) but thank you all for your advice, I may be under-eating and entering the exercises incorrectly. :)
  • How many calories did you consume a day and what kind of exercises did you do, and did you do it everyday? I am the same height as you and I am aiming to also be around 105lbs!
  • I'm 5'2" and I weigh 109lbs, not sure if this is the healthy weight for my height? Also I have been 5'2" for quite a few years now and back then I only used to weigh about 104lbs so I wanted to try and get back to that weight but I'm not sure how many calories I should consume a day in order to do that, and I don't know…