Electric $200, Water $50, Sewer $50, Garbage $35. Electric can double in winter months. 4,000 sq house in a rural winter wasteland.
I'm starting 5x5 Stronglifts. Read and heard lots of good things. Especially good for beginners as it's pretty simple. Doesn't really apply in your case though. I'm not qualified to give advice.
Just havin fun with ya, @kclewis416
Thanks @pondee629. I was wondering this exact question. And thanks to all who've responded. Valuable answers!
Thanks everyone!
What is a babby? LOL!
Thanks Stef (and all who have replied).
Thanks Rae. I'm a novice. Info helps!
I meant 5 sets of 5 reps. My brain didn't send the correct typing signals to my fingers.
I'm just looking to lose weight. And they say strength training helps.